Chapter 11

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I sat in the car looking at the house. It was narrow and tall, just like a city home. There wasn't much yard space around it but that didn't bother me. I looked behind me in the back seat where Kat was now passed out. She almost look peaceful.

I got out of the car and went around to the back door and scooped her oout of the seat. Her eyes opened slightly then closed again. I pushed the key into the door and turned it. I found a light switch right next to the door on the inside and turned it on. The house became illuminated. The first thing I did was find my way to a bedroom where I put Kat in a bed. She rubbed her reyes and looked at me.

"Where are we?" She asked seeming more awake. "I don't want to be hurt anymore."

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just get some rest, okay?"

I was leaving the room closing the door behind me when she said, "Thank you, Kyle."

Her kindness and just the fact she said thank you in a sincere voice threw me off guard. I looked at her. "You're welcome, Kat."

I went to leave again when she stopped me. "Do you know what time it is?"

"It's around eleven, why?"

I walked back towards the bed. "I was just thinking it was past your bed time." She laughed a bit as she yawned. I couldn't believe after what I saw and heard happen she was making jokes and they were friendly jokes, too.

"It is, which is why you should get some rest."

"I ruined your birthday, didn't I?"

"No you didn't." She definitley wasn't feeling okay. She was caring about my day and making jokes I actually didn't mind.

"Why are you always so nice to people? Can't you just tell me I ruined it? I know I did. I mean it was like nine when I called you. You had to be doing something on your birthday at nine at night. I'm not stupid."

"Kat, you're not feeling well and you had a rough nite. Just get some sleep."

"Okay." She said giving in. I walked out of the room and closed the door.

I looked around the house. It had two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, and living room all on the first floor. The loft upstairs overlooked the town and the lake. It was small, but I guess that's all I really needed. There was some furniture in the house but not enough. My dad did an okay job. The house was about ten minutes away from my, I mean, my dad's house. I'm surprised he thought that was enough space. I would think he'd make it about a hour away, then again I did have to finish school.

I found my way to the other bedroom, which was smalled than the other and only had a bed and night stand in it. I plopped down on the bed and after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling I finally fell asleep.


I walked into the kichten the next morning, running my hands through my hair. Kat was smoking a cigarette at the table. I hadn't realized last night how she looked so beat up. Her lip was cut from where the ring was. There was a bruise around her left eye with a bruise on the cheekbone on her right side. Did she realize she looked like that? I began to feel bad. I could have stopped him or atleast tried to.

"Good morning." She said letting out a puff.

"You know that's an awful habit." I looked at the tiny white cylinder in her hand.

"Your point?" Ignorance was in her voice.

"You smell awful. That's the point." And it was true. The smoke was starting to fill the house with a foul aroma. That's not what I wanted after not evening having the house for a day.

"Whatever." She took another puff. "Why am I here?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. Did she not remember anything? Was it on purpose? Was she just ignoring the hurt and trying to forget last night? I hated the way she made me feel. One minute I would give my heart for her then the other I never wanted to see her again. It was hard just to pick one feeling. Why was it this way?

"Are you going to answer me?" She asked.

"I picked you up last night from the club, don't you remember?"

She just looked at me. "Well are you going to take me home?"

I began to feel frustrated. "I can."

The car ride was awfully awkward. I drove towards the house only looking at the road as she sat and fidgeted with the radio and smoked another cigarette. When I pulled into the drviveway no one's car was there.

Kat got out of the car and made her way up the driveway. I noticed more bruises on her legs and the wway she was almost limping up the stairs to the porch. I waited in the car for a minute or two before deciding to go inside and pack up my stuff.

The house was silent and scary clean. Like one of those houses that you feel uncomfortable to walk in or touch anything. I was starting to feel like I didn't even belong here anymore.

I made my way up to my room and started packing clothes in a suitcase, trying to be fast so I could be down before anyone got home.

 I was done packing everything when I looked over by my bed stand. The box Ira gave me for my birthday and a picture of my mother were left to grab. I slowly walked over and grabbed the box and picture. Through the window I could see my dad's car pull into the driveway. I took my  bags and quickly left the house. And it would be a long time before I came back.

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