Chapter 5

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We were walking to the car as it started to rain.

"Great." Claire said pouting, "The weather takes a shit as soon as spring break begins."

"Whoa Claire, such language." I said turning the key in the ignition. She rolled her eyes and secured her seat belt."Where are we going?"

"I don't know. It's raining. Why do I always have to pick?" Claire always got crabby when it was raining. I didn't understand why. Maybe it was because her hair began to frizz or something.

"Okay, well, we can.."

"See a movie?" She decided.

I drove to the local movie theatre that was lcoated in the mall. The rain was really starting to pick up now.

We walked into the theatre getting in line when I thought about what movie we were actually here to see. I asked her.

"Uh," She said as she looked at the board with today's movies on it. The only movies that were around the time now were an action film about asian drug traffickers or a documentary about seals in the artic.

"Maybe a movie wasn't such a good idea anyway." I suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." She shrugged her shoulders.

We ended up driving back to my house. As I pulled into the driveway I saw a car that I hadn't recognized. It wasn't Janet's. It was an old pick up truck.

"Who's is that?" Claire asked.

"I have no clue."

I walked up to the front porch to find Ira sitting reading a home owner's magazine, now that it stopped raining.

"Hello Kyle." She greeted me. "Oh, Claire, I'm so glad to see you. I have to tell you something and the Simons!" Her eyes lit up.

Claire looked interested to hear the gossip about the town's priest and wife. She joined Ira on the wooden swing.

I walked into the house and heard music, loud music. It was screamo. No wonder Ira went to sit outside.

I was trying to listen to where it was coming from, since it seemed to the fill the whole house evenly, when Janet tapped on my shoulder behind me.

"Kyle, dear, could you tell Kat to go turn that noise down? She's in her room." She was trying to talk over the music. I nodded my head and began to walk away when she stopped me again. 

"I know Kat is," She was searching for the right word. "Special. But I think your father and I would really appreciate it if you respected her the best you could."

I was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well Kat told me that you have been kind of rude to her since we have arrived and Kat doesn't really come to me about things so I assumed it must have been serious." She looked nervous, like I was about to slap her or kick in the back of her leg.

I wasn't going to argue with her so I nodded my head like I actually understood and said I would try to be nicer to her and that I would apologize.

I walked up the stairs and down the hall to Kat's room. The door was shut but the music was still blarring. I knocked. Nothing. I stood there for a second pondering what to do. I knocked again. Still no answer.

"Kat?" I tried yelling over the music. Still no answer I slowly opened the door.

Kat was lying on her bed with a man hovering over her. He had his hands on her chest. I saw his hair. It was the same hair as the man in the parking lot the day at the mall. So Kat was the girl.

They noticed me standing there after a second. I heard Kat let of a scream and sit straight up. The guy looked over at me with piercing eyes. He yanked the shirt of of Kat's hands that she was trying to use to cover up her naked body.

"I - I'm sorry." I said looking away.

I looked back in the room when I felt something push me out of the doorway. The tattooed guy was now heading down the stairs. Kat now had a large T-shirt covering her body. She turned down the music and walked towards me.

"'Next time you should knock." She said with eyes like fire.

"I did" I said gently.

She rolled her eyes and was about to slam the door in my face but first said, "I know you were there that day."

I just looked at her.

"You know, I don't need you feeling sorry for me if that's your doing."

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because your little Barbie doll feels bad for me. I know it. I don't need anyone's damn pity." She shut the door in my face, but she wasn't done. "Don't forget to knock next time, asshole." She yelled through the door.

I didn't know what to say or think but then I heard Claire calling my name from downstairs breaking me away from my thoughts.


Sorry that this chapter's a little short. I'm positive the next one will be longer. Anyone have any ideas of what will happen? If you like it so far let me know so I keep going! Thanks!(:

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