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Bill POV

"I love you Bill" his cute little smile. He's adorable. I love this boy. But for all honesty, I do still have feelings for Ford...

"So I've heard. I love you too, pinetree. As matter of fact I love you a bit to much." I smiled a bit at what I was saying, and pinetree laughed a little.

"Is that so?" He said smiling.

"Yes, it is so."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it, but I love you more, anyway! I think your cute when you smile. You don't smile a lot unless your trying to kill my family." His tiny giggles are so fricking cute!

"Now hold on. First, how would you know, the only times I tried to destroy your family was when I was a triangle- " he cut me off and said,

"Angry dorito."

"Wait what?"

"Angry dorito. That's what you we're. You we're mad and looked like a dorito or chip, so you we're either the angry dorito or the physo nacho."

"Wow. Thanks." I said sarcasticly with a small smile.

"Hey! You call me pinetree, Mabel shooting star, grunckle ford sixer, grunckel Stan Stanley, and soos question mark. So I can call you angry dorito or physo nacho."

I sighed, but kept my smile, "ffffiiiiinnnne... I guess sooo."

"Good" he wrapped his arms around me and played his head on my chest.

"Pinetree? I'm gonna go downstairs and out for a walk, ok?" I said as I got up.

"I'll go with you." He said. But I denyied him.

"You need to get sleep Pinetree." And with that I left and he took a nap.

As I made my way downstairs, I saw Ford and Stanley sitting on the couch, looking angerly at me.

"Uh, hey Stan, ford. What's with the faces?"

"Listen here bill... Ford knows." At those words I was both worried and confused.

" what do you mean? Knows what?"

"Don't play stupid you nacho cheating asshole!" I nearly grinned at those last 3 words. Like, seriously, what? A nacho cheating asshole? What the actual fuck?

"Hey, hey... Chill yourself. No need
to get aggressive now, jeez." I said, as I put my hands up dramaticly.

"Well... Bill..." Sixer looked down and slowly walked up to me. "I saw you... Upstairs... With..." I immediately knew what he was going to say next. My face changed from a grin to a face of sorrow and apology.

"Dipper" we both said at the same time.

"How could you do this to me, Bill? I thought you loved me..."

"Ford... That... Well... That was, before. That was before I knew you were still alive. I thought you had died, Ford. I figuard I'd better move on..."

"With my nephew?!"

"I'm sorry Ford! But what I feel for him is alot." I pushed the six fingered man out of my way, as I ran out the door to the outside.

I do feel horrible for what I'm doing to Ford... But... I can't help but love Dipper...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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