Once broken again... Now...

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Bill POV

I snapped my fingers and dipper was back in his room and I went to the woods to take a walk.

What's wrong with me? Why can't I just be normal like other people?

"Because, Bill... You arent a person, your a dream demon." Said a voice from behind me. The voice was familiar.

"Ford?" I said as I turned around and looked at the man.

"Yes, Bill. It's me." Ford said.

"I haven't seen you in a while." I said.

"Not since....you know..." He said as his words drifted away.

We sat next to each other on a log.

"Since when....?" I asked curiously, and widened my eyes as I looked at him.

"Um... Well since... Uh... You know, I think it might be best if I don't bring it up again." He said as he looked down.

I put on straight face, "you do remember I can read your mind right?"

"Well, don't you remember, Bill? You promised me, you wouldn't read my mind if I told you not to?"

Crap. I just remembered that.... Crrrrrraaaaap!

"Fine." I said crossing my arms.

"Bill? Do you really not know what I'm talking about?" He asked in all seriousness.

"No, Ford... I feel like I do but...I just... Don't..." I said.

"Well... Do you remember last year, at that one party we went to?"

Yes Ford I totatally remember ONE party

"Elaborate" was all I said.

"That party Mabel through for no explained reason?" He said as if it were a question.

"Oh. Right, that one. What about it?" I asked.

"What happened that night? I was going upstairs to the kid's room. I was needing to grab something out of Dipper's backpack. You walked in the room, and asked what I was doing-" I cut him off as it finally clicked.

"... Oh.... Right... That night"

"Yes, Bill. That night."

What happened that night at 'Mabel's Unexplained Party' was, when I decided to come out to Ford. I finally told him how I felt about him. I loved Ford... He was my everything. That same night, I asked Ford out. I was scared for life... Mainly because I hate rejection. When I asked him out his exact words were 'I would like that'. But what I forgot was... We never broke up.

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