[S1 Premiere] The Dark Knights

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King: In the world of comics, heroes go through lost in every origin. It's like a tradition or something.

Warlock: Like Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight Of Gotham.

King: And King T'Challa the Black Panther Protector Of Wakanda.

Warlock: He's the King and I'm Warlock,

King: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills for the first premiere episode of Team Dew's Death Battle Extreme.



King: Gotham City, a dark stormy place filled to the bone with criminals, goons, and the lowest of the low life lurking around every corner

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King: Gotham City, a dark stormy place filled to the bone with criminals, goons, and the lowest of the low life lurking around every corner. No one is safe from the evil of criminals-

Warlock: Not even the rich and successful Thomas and Martha Wayne. You see one day the Wayne family decide to take their young son Bruce to an opera which included Bruce's worst fear of bats.

King: Afraid of these winged creatures, Thomas and Martha Wayne walked their son out of the theater, and down crime alley.

Warlock: Where a mugger came out of nowhere, shooting dear old mom and pa, leaving Bruce Wayne there alone in the world, an orphan. [His butler Alfred did adopt and care for him over the years].

King: Through those years, Bruce took this fear of bats, and decide to use it against the criminals of Gotham City under the name Batman the Dark Knight of Gotham.

Warlock: As the bad-ass Batman, he has a lot of technology and weapons to bring to this fight. I'm talking razor shaped bat-a-rangs, emp grenades, shock gauntlets, explosive gel, and other custom-made bat-a-rangs like a remote controlled one, shocked bat-a-rang, and so much more, his utility belt even holds a laser sword.

King: First, before his skills and teach, let's look inside the mind of Bruce's Wayne, the Batman.

Warlock: Alright, then we can get to the badassery.

King:  Batman's mostly a dark and grim hero carrying a personal vendetta against criminals, no doubt because of the death of his parents. With their death, Bruce swore off using guns in his fight against criminals, thugs, and villains.  Very paranoid and obsessive, this makes it difficult for Batman to trust other people that aren't in his bat family, as the fans called them. However, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents.

Warlock: When Mommy and Daddy were still alive that is.

King: *facepalm* Batman swore an oath to refrain from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights.

Warlock: *Cough* Bull shit *Cough,* You're telling me that pimped out Batmobile, with dual mounted machine guns don't kill their targets or his razor-sharp steel bat a rangs don't make criminals bleed out?

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