Hello, my dearest

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Matt sat at his desk, piles of paper work surrounding him currently. Being a leader was not at all what he expected. Too much work.
Sighing heavily he threw the folders down before standing, making his way to the balcony just behind his office chair and desk. The view was gorgeous, he could see everything, the tall buildings, people walking about. If anything, being a leader had one perk and it was seeing people happy and free of the red leaders control. Well, sort of.

When night time rolled around, Matt, who avoided his work too long, was currently on his 4th cup of coffee as he tried to get as much done for now as possible. Many floors down at the front of the building, the girl who was usually sitting at the front desk was currently hiding under it, hugging her knees to her chest in fear while two guards stood now unarmed at the front of the desk, watching as the red leaders Main two strode calmly to the elevator even though they had just quiet literally shot the guns out of the Guards hands, going to the top floor. Red leader himself, well he took the hard way up to the top floor. Having of gone to the floor just below matts office, he scaled the rest of the way up to the open balcony doors to his office. Walking up behind Matt, tord grinned setting his hands gently on matts shoulders
"Hello my little solider...it's been way..way too long.."
Matt, probably moving way too quickly, stood up, the chair falling over with a loud thud, papers sliding off his desk due to the sudden force from Matt trying to catch his balance
"T-tord?! How did you-"
Tord placed a finger on his lips "shhh min kjære
There's no need to worry" he hums, watching as Matt backed around his desk and away, eventually bumping into Paul and patryk who grabbed onto matts arms.
"Now now purple leader why are you running? I'm not going to hurt you.." he grins, following him just to run his thumb along his cheek "we are just going on a trip" he muses, Matt had been about to argue until patryk put a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet while Paul pulled out a red piece of fabric, muttering some threat to Matt if he were to try and bite him while tying the gag. Grinning tord decided to take a seat at matts desk, humming in amusement at matts struggles until he heard ringing "ah what good timing!" Matt looked at him, shaking his head, hoping he'd ignore the phone.
He didn't.
Now glaring at tord as he answered the phone, Matt lowered his head trying to think, maybe it was just his secretary, or someone not as important. No, It was tom and edd.
"Hey Matt," tom. Matt looked up quickly now attempting to pull away from Paul and patryk, his efforts of sliding the gag from his mouth or even attempt to make a loud noise futile. "we were calling to make sure you didn't forgot about the fUCK-" tom stopped, sorta, when edd elbowed him
"tom, language! What's your problem...t-TORD?!"
"Hello old friends!" He smirks, throwing his feet onto matts desk to get comfy "how are you two?~"
"Where the hell is matt" tom grumbled
"Oh him? Ah he's fine! Perfectly fine jahovah relax"
This made tom angrier then he had been, looking like he was ready to smash the screen
Until Edd spoke up "tord, is this some kind of joke? I swear if you did anything to Matt-"
Groaning in annoyance tord stood, looking confused a moment when a thud was heard near by "the hell are you two doing?"
Paul and patryk spoke up, edd and Tom listening quietly "sorry red leader, We were fixing the gag and he well, elbowed patryk and now.."
"He may or may not be unconscious" Patryk huffed putting his gun back in his pocket before standing up after picking up Matt to hold on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.
"Idiots.." tord muttered, turning to look at edd and Tom on the screen "I'm taking Matt with me if you boys don't mind, guess he'll be missing whatever he was doing with you two" he grinned as before, twirling his gun on his finger "I hope to see you soon~! Oh and don't worry, I'll let Matt call...maybe" tord shut the video call off before either could argue, turning to Paul and patryk "lets go, were done here" the two soldiers nodded, following closely behind their leader.


When the plane landed back in red leaders base hours later, Paul and patryk were ordered to lay matt in tords personal room, which in reality was more like a small apartment with a personal bathroom, kitchen and living room. As well as the separate bed room.
Dismissing his guards, who really just stood outside the door to his quarters as always, tord made himself some coffee, sitting at the desk in the living room area of the living quarters. Now just waiting for Matt to wake.

It was about an hour or two when Matt woke, unsure of where he was except that it was comfy, soft red blankets and black pillows around him. Wait, red? Sitting up slowly he scanned the room confused.
"This..isn't my room," he paused, rubbing his currently throbbing head "right..tord and his guards..then why.." he got up, a little sad to leave the warm blankets, but needed to explore and find out where exactly he is. Opening the curtains he was greeted with a fake windowsill, a picture of a beach during the night currently hanging. Though it looked as if it were moving, could it be one of those fancy ones that changed like a computer wallpaper? If so it was cool regardless. Walking around slowly to observe everything, he stopped to see two pictures, one standing while the other was facing down. Picking up the fallen photo he smiled seeing it was him, edd, Tom and tord when they were younger. He wasn't sure why it was facing down but he put it back as he found it, stopping to see the other photo, which he hadn't payed as much attention to, was a photo of him and tord, matts arms around the others shoulders. Why did tord have this? Could it be he still.. no don't think that way now. Shaking his head he went to the door finally, apon opening it he saw tord working at his desk, but hearing the door open, tord met matts confused and slightly scared expression
"...nice to see you awake finally, Mattie min kjærlighet..."
"..t-tord I don't know Norwegian"
"I know" tord smiled


Yay chapter one done! I'll be trying to update Atleast a few times a week, but it will always be a guarantee update on Thursdays! I hope you guys liked this chapter, and if you have any requests let me know! 💞

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