One: TP

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May 14, last day of school, and I couldn't wait much longer for those last few seconds before the last bell to ring. It was a tradition at Melancholy High for everybody in the school, even the teachers, to count down the last ten seconds, ending with a stampede of hormonal teenagers fluttering out the school doors. We had but ten minutes of class left when I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I stopped doodling for a second to see who it was. To my surprise, it was the one and only Ellis Adams.

"Well well. Pandora's box finally opened for me." he whispered.

"Can it El. What do you want." I replied with a little bit of sarcasm.

"Meet me at my locker after the bell. For, uh-" He was cut off when Mr. Jones, our teacher, started walking towards him.

"Pandora. Ellis. You two do still realize school doesn't end for another ten minutes correct? That means you still have to do your work and be mindful of the others. I don't think you want to spend your first day of summer as a high school graduate in detention, do you?" By now, all the other seniors in the room were staring at us, but stopped as soon as the intercom came on.

"Attention Melancholy High! Just a mere ten minutes before the countdown to summer! Put some pep in your step and let your voices be heard all over Madison County!" Oh god not her. Again. Last year, Sugar Stevens led the countdown to summer with her peppy cheerleader voice, which I absolutely can't stand, and now, all because she led the cheerleaders to victory, again, she gets to lead the countdown. Again.

The class erupted with cheers and people started signing shirts and yearbooks, waiting for the much anticipated summer, the one to begin them all. I decided to turn back to Ellis.

"Tp. Meet me at my locker for tp. I got West to help just in case we get caught but I doubt we will in the huge crowd." I gave him the thumbs up and walked around the room trying to get my shirt signed

A few minutes passed by and some students were already filing out into the halls, so I gave El the signal and we ran for it, finding West already at El's locker, with a bucket filled to the rim with water balloons. I looked at him and cocked my head, trying to guess what they are for.

As if he was reading my mind, he explained, "Just a fun little add on for the freshies."

Ellis opened his locker, revealing about twenty rolls of toilet paper. "Hey Panda can you get one of your people to come help. I kinda overthought this when I was buying the tp."

"Sure thing," I replied and speak of the devil there she is.

Blythe Wilks walked over to me and asked, in her australian accent, "Tp-ing the school? Count me in."

"How in hell did you know I was gonna ask you to help. Your a fucking psychic I swear. Anyway, yeah. Grab some rolls." I motioned towards the locker as she dug in.

"I'm gonna go set up in freshy hall. You guys go ahead." West said, walking towards the freshman classrooms. I grabbed about five rolls and made a run for the door. If we were gonna do this, we had to be the first ones outside.

"OYE WAIT UP SILVERS!" yelled Blythe, as she ran towards me. I stopped running so she could catch up, but all she ended up doing was running into me, knocking both of us to the ground, bursting into laughter.

I got up, brushing the dirt from the dirty floors off of me and collected the rolls I dropped. I helped Blythe up and picked up her rolls for her. "Thanks," she said. "Now let's get this party started."


We were outside already when the bell rang. Blythe decided to help out West with the water balloons.

"PANDA NOW!" Ellis yelled to me and started throwing the rolls all over the bushes and doors. I started to do the same. People were yelling and screaming as they were running out, trying to get out the doors and past the flying tp.

"PANDORA I RAN OUT OF ROLLS" Ellis yelled to me. Looking down at where my pile was, I realized I was out too.

"SAME HERE. MEET ME AT THE ROCK ASAP" I yelled back, as I jumped down from my stoop and started running, as fast as possible to get to there. I looked back to see Ellis not too far behind me, then pushing out of the crowd came West and Blythe, holding hands. I stopped running as soon as I saw them.

"Watch out!" exclaimed Ellis, but there wasn't any time to see what was happening, because he ran straight into me, knocking me over and landing on top of me, laughing.

"Wow you must be a magnet or something. People just won't stop running into you!" West joked.

Ellis looked down at me and quickly got up off of me, looking embarrassed. Everybody laughed.

"So where are you guys headed to?" asked Blythe, helping me off the ground.

"The rock for a celebratory picnic. I already stored the things inside. Including a little surprise." I winked at Blythe and she immediately winked back, knowing exactly what I was planning.

"In that case, let us be off!" West exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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