Part 2

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Once Deanna got in she was shocked and scared not for her or her mother but Mariana. "What happen to her that she doesn't want to talk about it. Beverly and Jean-Luc is like her parents. We all love and care about her. I don't know if I can deal with this? Mom, I am going to need you now more than ever."

Lwaxanna said," I will be here for you both. I am not going to leave until Mariana feels better for me to leave. "

Deanna agreed and said, "Thank you for staying until she is better.  I don't know what to do with her. I mean I never had a patient like her before. I think with your help and help from people from her time we can get through this. We need to get her to eat something."  Deanna went to the repalior  to get some food. Deanna went back to Mariana. Mariana was still rocking and hymning.

Lwaxanna said," Mary, my little sweetie can you try to eat something for me?" Mary tried to but she couldn't keep anything down. Deanna went to get some water for her to try to keep down. Mary try  to drink something and it stayed down. 

Deanna said," Mom, what are we going to do for her now? What would be our first move?" Mary is slowly drink the water and Deanna notice that Mary was shaking really bad. Deanna said," Mary, are you alright?"

Mary said with a soft, quit voice," I am alright. Can I go back to sleep?"

Lwaxanna said," Little sweetie, go to bed and I'll be here if you need anything. Okay. Deanna, why don't you get everyone on the same page. She needs to sleep right now. Why don't they get some sleep for now. Tomorrow why don't we have a meeting about her in the morning. You and I have some work to do before tomorrow."

Deanna agreed with her mom. Deanna said before going to the living room," Why couldn't I read her earlier?" Deanna left.


Beverly said," What is going on? Deanna, what did your mom do?"

Deanna said," For right now, you guys need to go to bed and tomorrow morning we need to have a meeting. She is sleeping right now. Mary don't want to see anyone quiet yet. It's not anything you guys did. She don't want you guys see her in this shape. Beverly don't take it personal. It's more of pride thing.  I do have a lot of work to do before tomorrow morning."

Picard said," I'll take Beverly home. What will the meeting be? Are you just going to call. What else do you need?"

Deanna said," All you need to do is be there for her. Mary, went through something bad. She'll need all of us but for now let try a day at a time. Alright?" Everyone agree, Beverly hesitated but agree. Picard and Beverly left and Riker stayed to talk to Tori alone.

Once they left Riker got up and said," What is really going here, Imazdi? Come on, I know that look."

Deanna went to Riker and hugged him. Deanna said," I don't think we are dealing with something small and easy to fix. Its going to hard and long trip for everyone. I don't know if she will ever get back to normal but we can try to get her through this one way or another."

Riker said," If anyone can its you but do you know why you couldn't read her earlier?" Deanna and Riker didn't know that Lwaxanna overheard the conversation.

Lwaxanna said," Why didn't you tell about not able to read her when she was asleep? Is that why I am here, Deanna?" Deanna looked at her mother.

Deanna said," Yes that is partly. Why should I have told you about that about Mary? Do you know something that I should know? What is it mom?"

Lwaxanna said," She might be related to someone that we call them Gara. Gara means in Protector in old Celtic on earth and we still use the word for the same thing. Now, the real question is which one is she?"

Deanna said," What do you mean which one? How many is in the family?"

Lwaxanna said," Why don't I look more into it. I think they will be more open up to me if I tell them what is going on."

Will said," How long do you guys need to do your research? Deanna, do you want  to go home or stay here?" Deanna pointed to stay here.

Lwaxanna said, "At leas for me it will take at least three days. Once I get all the information."

Riker said," Why don't I go home to get you books, Dee. Do you want me here?"

Deanna said," Thank you. It would be nice to have you here with me but I think you should go to bed. Captain's need their sleep . Don't worry about me and my mom. Go home and get some sleep. " Riker left to get her books.

While Riker was out, Deanna said," Who is the Gara family?"

Lwaxanna said," The Gara family is one of the first families on Betazoid and the first to built the government we know as it on our planet. Deanna, they use gods name to show their strength. That family is basically like the head of our security. Their history is very long with our planet. It will take along time to find out who she is."

Deanna said," Alright, if or when you get the information, I will assist you take a look through the information for the Gara family. "

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