Part 1

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    Picard and Beverly was thinking about that new girl teenager,Mary Garcia that they brought back from the early 21st Century.

   Picard said," Beverly, how would you feel about fostering her?" Mary was asleep on her bed when they came in to check up on her.
   Beverly said," Yes, I would. What do we for that?"
  Picard said," I can find out? Why don't you stay with Mary for tonight?"
Beverly nodded yes and kiss Jean-Luc on the lips. Picard left. After Picard left, Beverly heard screaming coming from Mary's room. She was hurting herself. Beverly tried to wake her but nothing.
   Beverly called Deanna," Deanna, I need you in Mary's headquarters quickly." Within fifteen minutes Deanna was there, Deanna said while hearing screaming,"What or who is that?"
   Beverly said," It's Mary. I can't wake her and plus she is hurting herself. Can you help?" Deanna went into the room and tried to get something from her but nothing but how?
   Deanna said," I can't read her. How is that possible? Let me see if and I can't believe what I am about to say. See if my mother can help."
Beverly said and pointed to subchannel," You can try here if you want."
Deanna went over and called her mother,Lawaxana, to see if she could help out. When she got done, she went back to Beverly and Mary to what is going on. Mary was still hurting herself and Beverly is crying and said," Deanna, she is hurting and I can't help her. What can I do? I am lost here. Help me please."
Deanna said," Beverly, did you scan her to see if there is any medical problems?"
Beverly said, " You know what I didn't and can you give me my medical bag?" Beverly scanned her for anything and nothing. Beverly looked up at Deanna said," There is nothing medical wrong with her. I am going to force her to wake up. Here goes nothing." Beverly had her hypospray in hand and she injected Mary. Within seconds Mary woken up.
Mary said," What the heck happened?"
Deanna and Beverly looked at each other and Deanna said," You don't remember any thing?" Mary nodded no. Deanna sense that Mary is very scared and she decided to slow things down in clam direction. Deanna said, " Mary, did something bad happened to you back in your time that you want to talk about? "
Mary stayed in silence for about three minutes and than said, " No, Troi and Chusher . Not now anyway. I will tell if or when I am ready. There's more aren't there? Now what is it?" Deanna and Beverly looked at each other and nodded yes.
Beverly said, " You were screaming and hurting yourself really bad. You wouldn't wake up for me. I called Deanna in to help out with you and she couldn't either. Deanna told me that she couldn't sense anything from you. How is that possible? Mary ,what is going on with you?"
Mary said with some worry in her voice, "What do you mean? I might have something wrong with me?" Mary ran out faster than you can stop her. Deanna tried to stop her but Mary was faster.
Beverly said, " We have lost her now. We are going to do?"
Deanna said, " First, you will pull yourself togerher. Secondly, computer can you locate Mariana Garcia for me."
Computer said," She is heading to holodeck 2. Now she is in holodeck 2."
It took them about five minutes to get to holodeck 2. When they got there Deanna said, " Computer, can we go in?"
Computer said, " Yes."
They enter and they knew it was some sort of gym in what year. It took 5 he another five to ten minutes just to find Mariana. Mariana was punching a big black bag. Beverly tapped Mariana ' s shoulder and Mariana accidentally punched Beverly in the face. Mariana apologize over and over again.
Beverly said, " Mariana, I am the one who sorry. Hey clam down alright? I am fine."
They both saw her running away again, and Deanna said, " Computer end program. Computer locate Mariana Garcia."
Computer said, " She is in her headquarters."
Deanna sense something from Mariana but what she doesn't know yet. Deanna said, " Beverly, why don't you wait here. She might react badly that you there. I promise you if I need you I will call for you. Alright? "
Beverly nodded in agreement but didn't like the plan. She sat down on a bench that was by Mariana ' s headquarters.
When Deanna enter Mariana ' s headquarters, Deanna found her in the with a piece of broken glass in her hand cutting herself badly on her left wrist and her right thigh . Deanna got Mariana to stop cutting but not rocking and banging her head hard and fast. Deanna kept her promise to Beverly. Deanna needed her medical help with the bleeding.
Took Beverly only moments after the call from Deanna to get Mariana. Beverly went into doctor mode. Mariana wasn't stopping her rocking and head banging. Beverly didn't want to but she had to sedate her.
Beverly said, " Mariana, I don't want to do this but you don't give me a choose. You can stop rocking or be sedate. You pick." Mariana didn't even knowledge them being there. Beverly told Deanna to hold her arm still. Deanna sense that Mariana was somewhere else and she can hear voices.
Beverly gave her the shot. When she was out Beverly wanted to take her to sick bay but Deanna was against it because if she wakes up she might have another broke down . Beverly brought a team to her.

****14 HOURS LATER * * * *
In the transporter room #4 Deanna,Will, and Picard waiting for Lwaxana Troi, because Beverly was still with Mariana. Eight hours after Beverly sedated Mariana again ,Chusher had to put her in a medical coma until Lwaxana got there.
Meanwhile with the Troi's and Picard, Picard said, " Welcome Mrs. Troi. Thank you for coming."
Lwaxana said," My daughter said that there someone needs help that my daughter can't help."
Deanna said with a dirty look,"Hello mother. I never said that. Thank you for coming."
Wil said, " Nice to see you again, Mrs.Troi. The preson you will be helping out is a very special to us all. If you don't mind following us to her headquarters."
Lwaxana nodded yes. They all left to go to Mariana ' s headquarters.
Meanwhile back in Mariana ' s headquarters, Beverly hadn't left her side. Beverly has been reading Mariana ' s stories to her. They knew that Mariana had a learning disability. Beverly is still learning on how to read her work because her spelling is terrible.
Beverly heard the door chime and said, " Come in. " Deanna came in with Will, Lwaxana, and Picard.
Picard went to Beverly and said, " Any changes?"
They all looked at Beverly when she said,"No, she still acting as if she is having one of her episodes. I am at a total loss. " Deanna went to hug friend after Picard did.
Lwaxana said, " Let me see what I can do?" Deanna showed her mother where Mariana is at.
When Lwaxana seen Mariana. Lwaxana walk back out and ask Deanna to come back to Mariana ' s room. Lwaxana said, " I am might be wrong but I believe that this young lady was raped or beaten up. Can we wake her up?"
    Deanna said, " I don't know. Lets ask Beverly. Dr. Chusher?!?!"
Beverly came in running. Beverly said,
"What is it,Deanna ?"
Lwaxana said, " Can you please wake her?" Beverly was hesitated but did it anyway. Beverly woke her up.
Mariana took one look of Beverly and ran into the corner of her bedroom. She started to hymn and rocking hard and fast. Lwaxana told Deanna to take Beverly out.
Lwaxana went to Mariana and said," Little sweetie, why don't you tell me what is going on? I might be able to help if not me. Your aunt Deanna could." Mariana stop rocking and not the hymn. When Deanna came back in, I got Mariana to calm down.

Deanna said as she was walking back into the room,Mom, how is she doing? Mom, I got Beverly and the rest of them to calm down.

Lwaxana said," She is not rocking but she is still hymn. Her thoughts are not kind or nice. She is yelling words that make no sense. I can't make out what it all means. You need to listen. She will let you in if you ask nicely. "Deanna did what her mother said.


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