The Start of a Virus

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She didn't know what she was looking for. Going through classified information on the computer was simple for her. Not only that, she was also, or use to be one of the military special ops but she had stopped when her base was under attack and she had lost both an arm and a leg.

Her eyes gazed turned her right, she wanted to be back into the fight but couldn't with both prosthetic limbs. Her eyes gazed toward the left, seeing a stack of files with classified information within them

She had thought of burning them multiple times but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She needed to send them out to the love ones who lost their family member on their team. Each file had a tag attached to it.

Sigh softly, her fingertips brushed across the keyboard before she pressed down onto those certain keys, typing away. Her prosthetic hand rose up, clenching the chain necklace that was around her neck.

Her eyes closed while she leans back. She had been hacking into the military base for few hours now. Surprisingly, they had yet to catch her on the act. Which means, someone inside the military is either too dumb to realize they are being hacked or two, someone inside knows who it is and not bothering to stop her.

She thought to herself over those two options and decided on the first one. Standing up, she shut her computer down. Grabbing the files before moving them into one separate box of each, closing the box up.

Picking each box, she carried it outside to be greet by the mailman suit. No doubt about it, he simply took the boxes and moved them into the back of his mail truck before handing her mail to her.

Earning a wave from him, she returned it. Watching him go down the road, she turned and headed back inside. She flipped through her mail slowly, tossing the junk mail into the trash bin before setting the bills onto the coffee table that was actually filled with late bills.

She wasn't gonna pay attention to her bills one bit. She had no reason too. The house was gonna go to waste once she is caught or once she is dead. She was gonna go with the first one. Heading back into her room, she spotted her computer on.

Her eyes blinked a few times before shrugging her shoulders. Might as well indulged as i can. She thought to herself, walking to her computer before sitting down on the chair.

She began to type furiously, but quickly on her keyboard. Each touch was light and fast, almost as if she was speeding.

One thing that did caught her slightly off was her screen was not on her background desktop, but it was on a white screen and it began to type in dull yellow coloring for some odd reason but she had no reason to panic, a smirk would silently form on her lips.

Hello, young one.

She tilted her head, her body shivered at the three words but she remained silent. Her eyes blinking a few times before she typed at the same pace again but this time with only a reply as a thought had crossed her mind. Let's turn it into a game. That smirk did not leave her lips.

Quarry: Who are you?

Now she waited. She leaned back against her chair. Putting very little pressure to make the chair lean back. Her fingers remain on the keyboard, waiting for the reply to come so she could answer it.

I am primus, young one.

That made her stump a little, her eyes blinked a few times, re-reading over the answer. Shaking her head calmly, she let out a tiny chuckle. This is beginning to amuse her now.

Negative: Primus exist in transformers

She now felt like she being laughed at. Why did she have this feeling. Her eyes narrowed a bit, glaring toward her computer.

Designation: Pulse VirusWhere stories live. Discover now