Home Part 2

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She has hanged around cyclonus and tailgate for a bit. She was a little disappointed that megatron had brought the coffin on board the ship but that didn't bother her. What buggered is she had to strip her highgrade from everyone who touched it. Then scolded Swerve about taking her crates.

As much as swerve said he was sorry. She remained unforgiving. Her minicons stood or sat with tailgate and cyclonus. Her, well let's just say she was in a mood for a good challenge.

So, Pulse being in the middle of room. She was bouncing on her peds as she swung her left fist forward into the palms of skid's while he smacked her arms away, swinging his servo up toward her jaw.

She leaned back a bit too far as she kicked her peds up, wrapping her arms around his extended arm. Her servo's catching her upper frame from hitting the ground before she twisted her frame but at the same time, she pulled on Skid's arm, forcing the mech to fall onto the floor by her weight.

Once she heard the thud hit the ground, pushed herself up into a flip. Her legs releasing Skid's arm before she landed on her peds but of course, she landed on top of skids. " Give up yet?" She purred in amusing.

Skid held that determined look but stead, he tapped his servo against the floor. She stepped off of Skid's, holding her servo out. She watched the blue and yellow mech take her servo as he stood up before he rubbed his arm a bit. "Did good." She praised, patting his shoulder.

"Fight well." They only share two words before skid's walked to nautica and sat down. The purple and white femme elbowed him and praised him for his challenge.

Pulse only smirked, crossing her arms. She was defiantly overcharge and when she was overcharged, she was focused. Swing her servos into the air. "Who's next to challenge the famous Pulse Virus?"

There was loud thump as she turned her attention to Trailcutter. Of course, his visor was locked onto hers and that grin was plastered on his face. Both Skids, Nautica and Riptide all stared at him then to her. They knew very well what they were planning. "You in, Pulse?" Tailcutter asked with a smirk.

She grinned widely. " Sure." Whatever they got planned, she was never going to regret this. Walking toward the group, she placed her servo's onto the table. "Just tell me what i need to do." She said with a shrug in her shoulders.

Six Months Later, day three

"Hello, my daughter.." Her tone was so soft, so peaceful and so welcoming. Her carrier was right here. She had never thought of this moment to happen. She didn't know if she wanted to rush toward the femme cassette and hug her or snap at her for not protecting her, or to run away and never look back. The bond between her and her carrier wasn't there, it was broken off a long time ago.

When the femme realized that Pulse had not made a inch to move nor decide on speaking, she continued on. With small steps toward her. "You much be confused, my little pulse." The femme said, setting her servo on the glass plates of her chest where her spark would be at.

This time pulse snapped out of it, shaking her helm quickly before sending a heated glare at the femme. "Confuse.." She growled out the word as her servo clenched tightly. " I am not confused!" She snapped toward the femme that caused the bots around them to move further away from her and her carrier. "Why are you here now, Starline?" Pulse demanded, taking a step forward.

Starline almost seemed flinch at her harsh tone but nontheless remained calm, slouching her shoulders in defeat as if talking sentimental with her was going to make things go much easier. "I work for blurr, Pulse, that's why i am here." Starline said softly, she was trying to dodge that subject. She was just relieved to see pulse alive and safe.

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