Letter three.

370 21 2

Ellie, dear, your smell is intoxicating,

I breath you in as you walk by me, but you still don't notice. 

Our lockers have been across from each other for years now, but you still don't notice. 

What do I have to do before it happens?

The fresh cuts on my arms seem to never heal, 

With every cut, I seem to care less and less. 

I want to be gone, but I want you so bad. 

I don't think I'll ever decide what I want.

Not just yet anyway. 

But for now, all I know is I want you. 

I want you to tell me everything would be okay, even when I knew it wouldn't be. 

I needed someone, and I wanted that to be you. 

But sometimes even you, would throw me over the edge. 

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