Chapter 1

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Brendon was a sweet boy, he enjoyed the little things in life. Puppies, flowers, and the way the sunset on summer nights. With the orange flare gazing across the sky, he sits. He just sits with his notebook in hand. Brendon is simple. He has a shy personality and doesn't let many people around him.

His house looked off toward the sunrise, but a balcony on the other side of the apartment was his safe place. He'd take pillows and blankets and sit there, watching the deep yellow sun disappear. The balcony had a cast iron fence to protect the resident from falling 6 stories down. The cold bricks had been painted a unique shade of baby blue.

The inside of the house wasn't much. It wasn't messy, but it was simple. Brendon had only lived there six months, prior to moving out of his parents home after graduation. The living room had 6 hanging pictures of him and his best friend, Sarah. Most of the frames had vinyl around them. A white couch sat against the wall, facing the small hallway. A table in the middle of the floor, prone to stubbing toes off. And a 32-inch television that didn't work.

Brendon didn't mind the small set up, he felt that it was cozy, cozy enough for himself and occasionally Sarah.

Sarah had been in his life for several years, despite being 4 years older than the boy. They grew up together in their childhood homes together. Their parents were extremely good friends. Sarah was there for him through thick and thin.

Sarah was a sweet girl, she loved Brendon, but she was content with the way things were going already. She had a quirky sense of style and enjoyed animal print clothing. People could never get to her, she blocked most hate out. Unless they were pointed toward Bren. She had a malovent side of you messed with her in the wrong way.

"Sarah, can you come over? I start my new job tomorrow and I'm nervous." The nineteen-year-old said into the speaker with a shaky voice. He fumbled around with a pillow on his back balcony. His eyes gazed across the nighttime sky, smiling when they met Orion.

She replied with glee, "Of course, B. Would you like me to pick up a pizza or tacos from Taco Bell?"


"Are you sure?" She sighed into the phone and jumped into to her red trailblazer. "I'll be there in a few, with pizza."

"Sarah..." he frowned and tossed the pillow gently to the other side of the balcony floor.

"Pizza, Brendon. You don't eat often anymore. It's becoming an issue." She said with complete worry. Sarah drove to a local pizza shop and ordered a double cheese pizza with pepperoni on it. "I bought pizza."

Brendon smiled shyly. He loved her as well. He glanced at the time: 11:26 at night. "Please hurry." The younger boy spoke with slight glee.

"I'll be there soon, I promise." Sarah smiled down at the ground, happily. She was content when Brendon was around, no matter what.


Ryan Ross, a 20-year-old boy with a similar friendship with an older man, named Pete. Although they've only known one another for six months, they act like it's been forever. Neither of them has a well-paying job. Ryan works at a pizza store in downtown L.A. Pete, on the other hand, works for a grocery store.

Unlike Ryan, Pete has a girlfriend. The two met at a college party, Jenna's freshman year. Three months later, Pete asked her on a date to the arcade. He brought her flowers and a small teddy bear. Jenna refused, an entire seven times. She had a boyfriend at the time. Jenna had always been touchy with Pete, she loved him more than anything. And Pete, he loved her even more than that.


"Hey, balcony boy." Sarah walked into Brendon's, unlocked apartment. She set the almost cold pizza on the granite counters. "I brought your favorite. Please eat." She sighed.


"Because it's good for you, to eat, not the pizza." She chuckles, earning a small grin from the younger boy.

"I'm not hungry," Brendon said. He fumbled around with his fingers, nervously. "Besides, why would I want to eat pizza when I'm going to be working at the same store tomorrow?"

"Geez, grump." She smiled and pecked his cheek with a toothy smile.

He hugged the smaller figure with a long happy sigh. "You're great, Sarah. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Let's go to the balcony."

They both walk out to the pile of multi-colored blankets scattered around the porch. The moon was full, and Sarah had love in her eyes.

"You're great as well, Bren." She sat on the blankets with a slice of pepperoni pizza. She took a long bite and mad it exaggerated. "Mm, so good.. the cheese melts in my mouth with the soft crust. Mmmm.."

Brendon chuckles and grabbed a slice. "Are you happy now?" He bit into the food.

She nodded. A few minutes later, they both finished their pizza. Sarah gently set her head on Brendon's lap. "I love you, Bren"

He leaned his head on the bricks. "I love you too."


Three apartments down the road, Ryan sat. He sat there with a beer in his hand and no care in the world. He's six days late on his rent and his car was repossessed three weeks ago.

He slowly dialed Pete's number, taking another sip of his beer. "Pete."

"Ryan, it's midnight. Go to bed." Pete huffed into the phone. Jenna getting agitated with him as always.

"Tell that girl of yours to shut up." Ryan snapped, again, drinking another.

"Ryan, go to bed."

"No. This is shit, honestly. Pete, that boy is out on his porch again, and I can't get over how adorable he is." Ryan glanced over at the glass door, sneaking a few peeks at the younger boy and his best friend.

"You need to get over him. You're such an ass to him all the time. Leave the poor kid alone." Pete ran his fingers through Jenna's hair.

The younger of the two sighed into the phone and tossed both beer cans into the trash. "I'll invite him to my birthday party."

"No you won't, leave him alone."

"I will and you can't stop me. Nobody warned you about Jenna. She's cheated on you plenty of times." Ryan snapped and hung up the phone quickly. He knew that the argument won't be over for awhile.

He was right.


Sarah fell asleep on Brendon's lap about thirty minutes into their conversation. He gently picked her up and laid her on his bed. The boy put the sheets over her and grabbed a throw blanket, taking it to the couch with him.

"Goodnight Sarah."


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