|| beautiful ||

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Chris is standing at the window with everything and nothing rushing through his head. The moon is nearly full and it's bright--it gives the white curtain a certain glow, the same glow that seems to show on Chris' skin.

It's past midnight and he knows that, but he's not tired at all. Well, maybe he is, but he doesn't feel weary at all at the moment. Darren is still sleeping and every so often he exhales harshly, but he doesn't snore. He looks beautiful, like he's laying himself bare for only Chris to see.

Chris laughs at this because Darren is actually sleeping bare, completely visible after having kicked away their thick blanket ages ago.

Their. God, even after years of being like this it still sometimes hits him like a tidal wave, that they're together and not planning on going anywhere else. Although the thought doesn't send flutters through him like it used to, years ago, it still provokes so many other good, good feelings. And he knows Darren feels the same because they've talked about this (if confessions while they're rolling around in bed count as talking).

"What're you thinking about?"

Chris jumps slightly at the sudden noise but calms down fairly soon after, "Why are you awake?"

"That's wha' you're thinking about?" comes the somewhat sleep addled response.

"Now I am because it's come to my attention."

Darren tries again, "What were you thinking about earlier? Before I woke up?"

Chris scoffs, "You wouldn't believe me. Plus, I'd never tell."

"I always believe you," the older man cocks his head to the side. "And you have to tell, or I'll make you."

"Oh yeah?" Chris challenges, "How would you do that?"

"No sex for a week."

Chris gasps and starts, "You wouldn't- hey! Wait a minute! That would be more torture for you than for me!"

The other man looks like he wants to retort but curses instead. "Just tell me, Chrissy."

"You're beautiful."

"Now that I believe because it's true."

"And that's also why I didn't want to tell you. You've such a big head it's unbelievable."

"But you said it yourself! Why deny the obvious?" Darren counters. When Chris doesn't reply he speaks again, "You're beautiful too. Come back to bed. It's getting cold." Chris does, making himself comfortable next to his lover and leaving the blanket because it's a nice kind of warm right now, their shared body heat warming them both to sleep.

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