|| kaylie ||

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The first time he holds Kaylie, a special connection seems to form right in his arms. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

Of course not; it never is. They can't possibly just take in the three-month-old baby...

"We can't," Chris voices his thoughts, Kaylie still held securely and snugly in both his arms.

"Tell me you don't want this, Chris," Darren replies softly with his eyes clearly full of love--the love he reserves for only a few people, Chris included.

"I want it, so badly, but. Darren..."

"But what? We both know there's no way for her to take care of Kay outside of her career."

"We have work too, Dare!" Chris exclaims, but quietens when he realises the baby girl is still asleep.

Darren speaks again, "You can still write back home and I got a job at the theatre near home."

The younger man gapes at his husband, "Have you actually done some thinking for once? What about my movies?" he challenges.

"Send the scripts to a director. You don't have to work your ass off doing everything yourself anyway."

"What about money?"

"Really?" Darren raises an eyebrow. "On top of the money we have saved up, the theatre pays well and with a head like yours, you'll be writing and selling loads of books."

He really has thought of everything. Wow. Chris thinks of Kaylie, thinks of her mother (a close friend of theirs who never wanted to get pregnant, but wouldn't even consider abortion), thinks of how easily the girl could be theirs. He feels a swell of affection for the tiny human bundled up in a pink blanket. Nothing's ever perfect, but this comes pretty damn close.

And then Darren is standing next to him, asking if he can hold her. It's... kind of like magic because it shows Chris a glimpse into what his future could be like.

"Do you want this?" Darren asks softly. He's now holding Kaylie like she's the most precious thing he's ever come across. Well, she kind of is.

Nope, she really is.

"Yeah... Yeah."

They're about to reshape their whole lives for one baby bundled up in a pink blanket.

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