Part 13

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It's been quite a few months since Homecoming wrapped up filming. It was mid December, and Christmas was coming soon. It made you feel a tad upset, since you wouldn't be spending it with your dad. You guys always had your little traditions this time of year.

It was around 9 at night, and you were sitting on your couch, with the fire place on. Your cat was curled up beside you sleeping. You had a knitted sweater on and sweatpants. Your hair was in a messy bun and you had your glasses on. You were going over some stuff for Infinity Wars and talking to Kevin over text.

Just then a video chat popped up and you saw it was Harry.

"Hey Harry." You say smiling.

"Hey Y/N. How are things back in L.A." He says, sitting down.

"Pretty good. It's cold outside but I mean it's Christmas so...yeah." You both laugh. "How's London?"

"Pretty amazing. The city's great around Christmas." He says and you guys talk a bit. Then Harry looks like he remembered something. "What's your address?"

You gave him a confused look. "Um, why??"

Harry looked like he was trying to find an answer. "It's a surprise, just tell me."

"Okay. 6789 Brice Ave, apartment 345." You hesitate and he rights it down. "Harry just tell me."

He smirks and goes to close his laptop. "You'll see."

The screen went black and slowly you close your laptop. You see the time is 10pm and you were getting tired. You make sure the fireplace is out, and you turn your lights off. You scoop your cat up in your arms, and head to your room. You get under the covers and close your eyes. Slowly you fall asleep.


It's two days after Christmas. You didn't do much. You had a few gifts from Tom and his family, and a few friends of your fathers. You just watched Netflix for the days since there was nothing to do.

You had just gotten back from the store, and it was freezing. You took your coat off and threw it on the coat rack. You piled your bags on your counter and start putting things away. After you finished you say on the couch and closed your eyes.

There was a knock on the door, and you got a confused look on your face. You slowly stand up and go over to your door. You open it slowly to see who it is. Once you do you open it wide.

"Sam!?" You say in a shocked and surprised way.

"Well aren't you happy to see me y/n!" He says and drops his bags.

All you do is smile. You blush and smile and you are speechless. Then Sam steps towards you and grabs you by the waist. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck and crash your lips into his. He doesn't even wait a millisecond to kiss back. You keep trying to pull him in more and more even though you can't.

You kiss with passion, hunger, like you've never been kissed before. Sam kisses back intensely like he has never kissed you before.

Eventually you guys pull away, to get some air. You grab onto the collar his his shirt and look right at him.

"Wanna come in?" You say quietly.


Sam grabs his bags and you guys walk inside. You close the door and Sam places his bags by it.

"So, that's why Harry asked for my address?" You laugh a bit.

Sam chuckles and places his hands in his pockets and looks down. "Yeah I guess."

You slowly walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. He responds by wrapping his arms around your waist.

"How long are you here till?" You ask and look into his eyes.

He shrugs and thinks for a moment. "Two weeks."

"Well, then, this is going to be a great two weeks."

You two confirmed you were dating to the public and everyone went crazy. Harrison, of corse, lost his shit. He phoned you as soon as Tom told him and was screaming at you. Sam laughed his ass off from the other side of the room.

The third day you two decided to go out to town and enjoy LA.

"So what's interesting about LA?" Sam asks, squeezing your hand harder.

"There's a really good diner a few blocks down." You say.

Sam smiles and looks at you. "A diner it is."

You guys walk down the next few streets till you get to the Diner. There are quite a few people in here, eating and enjoying them selfs. You shiver since it was pretty brisk outside. You stomp your boots and find a booth to sit at. Sam sits across from you and you take your jacket off.

"So, when do you start Infinity Wars?" Sam asks and rubs his hands together.

"Filming starts at the end of January. But I start work again at the beginning of January." You say, and take a sip of water you have.

Just then a waitress walks over with a pen and paper. "Hello, I'm Iz, I'll be your waitress for the day. Can I start you off with drinks?"

You glance down at the menu. "Yeah I'll have a coffee, black."

She writes that down and looks at Sam. "I'll have a coffee, one sugar one cream please." She nods and walks off.

Sam opens the menu and starts to look through. "So what's good here?"

You think for a moment. "The fries are homemade. And the burger is to die for!" You say.

Sam chuckles and closes the menu. "A burger and fries it is then."

You smile and look down, blush creeping up your cheeks. Just then your phone buzzes, and you see a text from your friend Abby.

"Hey I'm having a party on New Years Eve. Your invited, and you can bring your boyfriend of yours."

You look up at Sam. "Hey, are you up for a party New Years? Abby just asked if I wanted to go."

Sam nods his head and smiles. "Sure, I'm fine if your fine."


"I'm up for a party, so is Sam. Txt me later with details."

You put your phone away and the waitress comes back with the coffee's. You guys order and continue talking. After the food comes and you finish eating, you and Sam pay and get up to leave. You guys walk the streets and you get to a nice park.

While walking, Sam stops and pulls you in. "You know I really love you Y/N."

You smile and move your head a little closer. "I love you too Sam."

A/N: sorry for the long wait, I don't have my phone very much anymore so I try to update everyone. But I hope I can get it back soon!

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