And the drama

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Chapter four 

We walked to school, there was almost no one on the streets, so we held hands every now and again, but when we had to part ways to make sure no one saw us because if we went in at the same time, some people might  get suspicious. So we did, I arrived earlier than him, which was usual, he always arrived on the bell. 

When I did arrive at school, I knew drama had started, everyone was crowding Khloe, another teenage crisis I figured. When I arrived she was yelling at Joni, and I was about to figure out why. No one yells at one of my best-friends. Not even me! 

“Why the fuck would you keep talking to him!?” She yelled, in a hush enough tone not to attract attention. 

“Because he is my friend! What’s your problem?!” She yelled back, her voice a bit louder than Khloe’s. One thing everyone should know about Joni, she is feisty, and she is definitely not afraid to fight back! 

“I told everyone not to talk to him! What? do you like him or something?!” She retorted, sticking her nose up, that really annoys me, maybe because Khloe, as a person is already so arrogant, but this just adds to the list. 

“What the fuck?” She answered, but those three words seemed to end the fight, Khloe walked off crying, like the bitch she is, getting empathy from everyone.  I wonder if she knew just how many of her “friends” actually talked to him, it’s quite funny to witness I must admit, god I seriously dislike her

I went to comfort Joni, who had walked off looking like she was ready to punch a wall. Then as I began to comfort her, I had my first lashing from the queen herself! 

“And you!” She yelled towering over me. 

Now, I’m not the type of person to be really bitchy, but It felt like it was time to stand up to the bitch and give her a taste of her own medicine. 

“What about me?” I asked, with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. 

“You talk to him too!” She declared pointing her finger at me accusingly like she just discovered I was a murderer. Dramatic much. 

“You know what, YES! Yes I do, you know why, because he is actually a very nice person, once you get to know him, and if you got your head out of your arse, and realized that, you’d actually know. But no, that’s too hard, you’ve always got you “posse” following you around.” I said back, in a feisty tone, this was not usually me, but you know what, she upset Joni and I had to take the bitch down a notch. 

Of course she was speechless, her mouth was open wide enough, it could actually catch flies. I couldn’t help but smirk and feel a bit triumphant. 

“god! Your such a bitc-“ I was cut off as I felt her hand fly across my face, and a stinging sensation following right after it and too my luck, right as I was about to retaliate, the bell rung. 

Khloe stormed off, but as she did she called out, 

“I should have hit her when she stopped being “bestfriends”” Raising her hands, and placing bunny ears around the word best friends. 

“BITCH!” I heard one of the girls yell as the group had walked off. I swear if this was a cartoon my face would be red and smoke would be coming out of my ears.

As soon as they were out of site, Ace ran over to me, and so did Joni, I had hot tears down my face, it was stinging so much from the pain, and then I broke down from the pain, not only physically, but mentally. 

See, Khloe and I used to be close, I met her in year 7 and I worshipped her. Until I found out she was talking about me behind my back. Now she knew I had never had a boyfriend,  yet she still decided it was a great idea to spread rumours that I have had sex, I was a whore and in other cases, a slut.  I didn’t know until last year.  I was severely bullied for it but I did what I thought was best at the time, I told people her secrets. I can’t tell you them, but honestly it was not the nicest thing I have ever done, and I certainly didn’t make the best decision. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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