Chapter 2 - Turning the Hourglass

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Chapter 2 - Turning the Hourglass

A smartphone.

In fact, the best and most expensive model in the world. Kevin gaped at the box incredulously. It simply could not be true; his father must have put some stupid little toy inside the phone's package. Could it be a joke? If so, it was a very mean one. Incapable of waiting another second, Kevin hurried to open the box ...

I can't believe. Is it real or imaginary?

There it was: mostly black, with two gold stripes on the backside, probably the best gift he had ever received in his sixteen years of existence. The most desired phone of the planet fitted in his hand as though it had been made exclusively for him. For a second, he stood rooted to the spot, simply admiring the way it glinted under the light. But, gradually, shock started giving room to pure happiness, and Kevin caught himself pacing up and down the bedroom: he couldn't contain that kind excitement static in the same place anymore.

While the phone initialized, Kevin glanced at the picture of his parents once again; he could swear they looked slightly more beautiful now. Even the most revolted part of him had to admit that this present was far from useless.

This is a pity gift worthy of its name.

Even the settings adjustment seemed to be enjoyable in the middle of his frenzy. Kevin completed all the steps and jumped into the bed, as though it were a swimming pool, and then started exploring, lying comfortably on his back.

From what Kevin had heard, the camera was supposed to have an incredible resolution, and he tested the front mode by looking at his own face. He had never been very photogenic, but, in general, he was fine with his appearance. His blonde hair had always been a bit rebellious, characteristic that was accentuated by the long periods he spent without brushing it. The brown eyes had a hint of green, like little sun rays which sprang out of the pupils. His mother used to call them "olive eyes".

As soon as the camera got its approval, Kevin moved on to something he was really looking forward to seeing: the apps. He clicked on the store icon, expecting to discover exciting new games and "indispensable" tools he never knew he needed.

The front page featured the newest and best-rated apps; Kevin's attention was immediately drawn to the very first one of the list, whose icon was a shiny gold triangle. Examining more closely, Kevin realized that it contained triangles within triangles. Then he tried to read the name; it demanded a great effort and he didn't manage to pronounce it properly until the fourth attempt.

 Then he tried to read the name; it demanded a great effort and he didn't manage to pronounce it properly until the fourth attempt

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'Py ... ro ... glyph.' He read slowly with a frown, making it through the word letter by letter.


Completing the peculiar profile of the app, its category was exhibited right next to the icon: GPS. Kevin couldn't resist such uniqueness; he would never have imagined it, but the first app he would ever download with the best smartphone in the world would be a very strange program by the name of Pyroglyph. And so he did.

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