Death of a True Hero

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Recap: As Percy was about to show them the knife, it disappeared. He knew he was dead meat. There was no way he could get out of this one.

He hung his head in defeat as he was cuffed with celestial bronze chains.

His only evidence was gone. He knew who killed Chiron. How? The knife. How can the knife prove who it was. Simple. The knife's engravings were Wisdom's Voice.

Athena smiled a truly happy smile as her plan worked. She held her knife proudly in her hand.

The first part of her plan, otherwise known as phase one, was completed. The second was the hard part.

Killing the demigod.

Yes he was binded, but Hera had said this demigod had a massive power. If the filth was able to hold his own, even be able to defeat Kronos, then killing him would be hard.

Yes he was only mortal, but with his Curse of Achilles it would be hard to guess where the vulnerable spot would be.

She could kill his loved ones, or have them betray him. That was why she showed the fake video and killed the old centaur.

The fact that the satyr had already got many new campers and some of Percy's friends to betray him was luck.

Her conspiring was cut short by a signal for a council meeting. Athena sighed, pausing her writing of notes.

She made her notebook and pencil disappear into a secret drawer in her palace, waiting for her next ideas to eliminate the son of Poseidon.

She flashed onto her throne, surprisingly she was the last one. 'I hope no one notices' she thought.

"Now," started Zeus smiling, "it has come to my attention that a certain son of Poseidon has been found guilty of killing the centaur at camp."

Poseidon looked shocked, "No there must be a mistake." Zeus smile became sinister at his daughter's next sentence.

"He is ruled a traitor of Olympus, he must die now." Athena stated smiling. 'Seems Phase two will be easier than I had expected.'

Poseidon sat on his throne lost in his own thoughts. There was no way his son could be a traitor. He couldn't image it.

Ares smacked his uncle's arm achieving his uncle's attention. "Father is asking you a question."

Poseidon turned to look at Zeus who was smirking, angering Poseidon. "What is it brother?" Poseidon growled.

"Well, we were wondering if you would like to correct your mistake?" Zeus asked innocently. Poseidon's eyes widened in horror.

"No, I will not kill my own son!" Poseidon shouted standing up. "Nor will I let any of you."

Zeus hummed thoughtfully, "I was expecting that, that's why I had this planned."

Poseidon's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before his muscles tensed feeling Ares next to him. Ares threw a large Celestial Bronze net over the sea god.

Poseidon raised his arms towards the net, trying to prevent the net from landing on him.

He failed, badly. He hit the ground loudly as the large Celestial Bronze balls on the end of the net hugged the marble floor.

Poseidon then tried to throw the net off of him. Ares chuckled at his uncle's attempts.

"That net is enchanted that even titans can't even escape, snatched it when metal head over there," Ares pointed his thumb over his shoulder at Hephaestus, "tried to catch me and his wife."

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