Death Ain't So Bad

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Recap: Athena smiled at the sight. But deep in the back of her mind she knew that what she did was selfish and wrong. She knew that Percy was a true hero.

And she knew;

It was murder, a death of a true hero.

In the darkness of the Underworld, the personifications of death waited for the soul of a hero to descend.

The soul was pure and was the brightest source of light ever to belong to the underworld.

The two beings struggled to lift their own weight as they flew towards the spirit.

They combined their powers and in their great efforts, released the spirit from its chains of death.

The soul started to freely and chaotically fly around the large cavern of the Underworld.

One of the death deities flashed a limp figure from the Mortal-world. This action seeming to magnetically suck the soul into the body.

The limp body went tense before limping again. The two immortals kneeled on each side of the body, their hands outstretched.

Their hands started to spark slightly, wisps of red coming from them. The sparks from their hands becoming more frequent.

After a few minutes of this, the sparks disappeared as a dull red glow came instead. This dull glow beginning to emit a brighter red color.

The bright red color illuminated the cavern, revealing the handsome face of Thanatos and the pretty face of his sister, Keres.

Yet their usual beautiful faces were not present as a look of struggle was upon them. They both looked up at each other, contemplating when to release.

Keres made an upward nod as if saying 'sup' to her brother. Thanatos knew that she meant for him to countdown.

Thanatos nodded to his sister, showing her he understood. "Three...Two...One," Thanatos said through gritted teeth,"Now!" And with that they both descended their hand onto the body, the glowing red being absorbed by it.

After what seemed like forever for the two, a red aura began to form around the body, starting at the feet. The aura began to climb the barefooted body.

It traveled up the scratched legs and onto the tattered and ripped, shorts and shirt. When the glow finally surrounded the body completely, the death gods stopped.

They both fell backward, onto their backs. "Stay with me brother, we mustn't fade until the boy awakes." Keres panted.

Thanatos just stayed quiet, scaring his sister. "Brother, you cannot fade yet," Keres said, although her usually lulling voice was hoarse.

Thanatos just stayed quiet. Keres felt a lurching sensation in her stomach as she thought her brother had faded.

"Brother?" Keres whispered. Thanatos just raised his arm lazily to show her he hadn't faded, yet.

Keres sighed, but it came out as a pained cough. They both laid there in silence, frequently checking if the other were still alive.

After countless hours of this, the body started to move slowly.

"Keres," Thanatos said sharply, pulling Keres out of her godly slumber. Keres' red eyes opened before sitting up slowly.

Thanatos tried to stand but was forced to his knees by the Underworld's pressure.

Thanatos flickered for a moment before becoming whole again, this not going unnoticed by Keres.

Keres slowly stood up against the gravity of the Underworld. She walked a couple of agonizing steps towards her brother before helping him to his feet.

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