Universal Power Battle and The War Part 4

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Recap: She took deep, quick breaths. Gaea looked up to Apoth, a smirk covering her face. Apoth shook his head, "You've made a mistake calling them here Gaea."

Flashes of immensely bright levels appeared behind Gaea, Apoth looked on in interest and honestly a little bit of fear. These beings all together proved to be the rulers of the Universe.

The brightness began to fade and revealed 10 glowing figures behind Gaea. Apoth growled at the sight.

Gaea smirked, "Apoth, let me introduce you to Ouranos, Pontus, Erebus, Nyx, Thalassa, Aether, Hemera, Eros, Ananke, and Chronos. The Primordials."

The beings all radiated with unimaginable power. Apoth growled, "You are all so pathetic, needing to summon the whole of the Primordial Council to challenge me."

Gaea smirked, "Don't try and play that game with me Apoth, I know how much power I need to get rid of you, and I am willing to turn in all my favors to get rid of such an obstacle as you."

Apoth shook his head, "You made a bad choice than Gaea." Gaea grinned, "No matter, as long as you will be put in your place," Gaea took a step forward and rose her clenched fist, "Below my foot and begging for me to spare you."

Gaea walked back to her spot before noticing Nyx had a look of confusion on her face, "Nyx, what is the problem?"

Nyx shook her head, "Tartarus is not present, he should be here to destroy those who he very much despises." Pontus nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, that is quite... unusual. Even for him."

Hemera snorted, "No worries, he is probably in that hole in the ground of his, brooding that I didn't give myself to him."

Erebus grinned and looked to Apoth, "It is no matter," The shadows bent to his will as they thickened, "We deal with the mortal and then go find hole man."

Gaea shook her head, a serious expression over her face, "No, as much as I hate to not do that I believe it is only respectful to allow Tartarus to at least enjoy a little bit of fun, get out a little bit."

The Primordials all nodded. Each and every one of them took a stance and murmured a chant as their symbol was burned into the ground. Time passed and Tartarus still hadn't responded.

Apoth giggled at the sight, this would take a while. Surprisingly to him, Aether heard his giggle and broke out of his chant to look at Apoth.

Apoth couldn't help but smirk at the Primordial, which proved to anger the Primordial. Aether got back into a stance but Apoth could tell he wasn't as focused. Apoth smiled, he must've gotten into Aether's head.

A minute passed before Aether growled and turned to Apoth with a glare, "Why do you smile? Is death that much of a joke to you? I will personally send you to the cruelest of tortures!" He screamed as he charged Apoth with a spear of light in front of him.

Aether's battle cry shook the Primordials out of their chant as they turned to the imminent battle. Gaea saw Apoth smirk and her eyes widened, "No! Aether don't!" she warned.

But it was much too late, Aether had already shoved his spear towards Apoth's midsection. Apoth dodged like lightning and teleported behind the Primordial.

Apoth flexed his finger as a hidden blade popped out and was shoved into Aether's back, causing the Primordial to scream in pain as he fell to the ground.

Apoth looked to the other Primordials, his grin growing. A black aura wrapped itself around his hand as he threw it to the ground, creating an unbreakable dark dome around himself and Aether.

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