Team Captain

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This one shot was requested by the lovely @QueenGemeni03 ! Hope you enjoy Helena :) To everyone else, I am still taking requests. Feel free to message me with any ones that you have!

"Helena!" I heard my name being called in my busy school hallway. I turned around to see my good friend Luca approach me, soccer bag slung over his shoulder. 

"You coming to my game tonight?" He asked me. He played for the school's soccer team and every day there was a game, he pleaded for me to come watch him. 

"I don't know Luca," I started. "I have homework tonight."

"Come on Helena, you say that every time I ask you to come watch a game. Please come, just this once. It's a big game tonight and I want you to be there." Luca pleaded, sticking out his lower lip. 

I felt so terrible for saying no all the time to Luca. If he knew the real reason I avoided his games, he would think I'm stupid. 

I had the biggest crush on the soccer team's captain: Erick Brian Colón. 

I had liked him since the start of high school. He was absolutely gorgeous. His black hair always slicked back perfectly and his crystal clear green eyes made me weak. I had only talked to him a few times before in classes but had never had a proper conversation with him. I hated going to the soccer games because it pained me to watch all the other girls in the school who attended be all over him. I got so jealous and I knew I had no right to, but I couldn't control it. 

"Helena?" Luca said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you coming tonight or not? It would mean a lot to me if you did."

"Fine," I agreed, knowing I would regret my decision. "Just this once."

A wide smile spread across Luca's face. "Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed. I'm picking you up tonight on my way to the field. Be ready by 5." 

I sighed. Tonight was going to be a long night. 

. . .  

Before I knew it, it was already 5pm and I was leaving my house and getting into Luca's car. 

"Excited to watch me play?" He asked me cheekily. 

I looked at him and smiled but rolled my eyes. "If you say so."

I was excited to watch Erick run around in his soccer uniform, looking hot as ever. But he didn't need to know that. 

We were almost at the field when Luca spoke up again. "I forgot to tell you, we're getting there a little bit early. The guys and I have to warm up. So you'll have to wait a bit for the game to start."

"So you mean I'm going to be waiting alone for everyone to arrive?" I asked. Luca could definitely tell I was not impressed by the tone of my voice. 

"Don't worry," he reassured me as we pulled into the parking lot. We got out of the car and he got his soccer equipment out of the trunk. "How about I introduce you to the guys?"

My heart dropped. "I don't think that's a good idea-" I started but Luca interrupted me. 

"Sure it is, they'd love to meet you."

My hands were shaking as we got closer to the field where I could see all the guys standing, huddled around the bench. 

"Chicos!" Luca called out as we walked onto the field. All eyes were on me and I trailed behind Luca, trying to get my heart to stop beating so fast. 

"This is my friend Helena. The one I told you guys would be coming tonight." 

I heard a chorus of "hey"and "hola" travel throughout the group. 

Suddenly, my eyes landed upon the pair of green eyes I had been looking for. 


He stood not too far from me in all his glory. He looked amazing. 

I quickly tore my eyes away from his so he didn't think I was a creep for staring. 

"It was nice meeting you guys." I said shyly, then turned to Luca. "I'll go sit on the bleachers while you guys warm up. Just call if you need me."

I walked over to the bleachers and took a seat. I had a perfect view of the field, not to mention a perfect view of Erick who was currently dribbling the ball effortlessly from foot to foot. I tried my best not to stare at him. I pulled out my phone in hopes to distract me. 

I wasn't sure how much time had past but without warning I felt a weight sit next to me on the bleachers. I looked up from my phone screen and my head went numb. 

It was Erick. 

Oh my God. 

"Hola," he said. 

"Hey." I responded, giving him an awkward smile. I had no idea what to do. 

"I've never seen you at a game before. ¿Es tu primera vez aquí?" He asked me, green eyes darting across my face. 

I nodded. "Luca basically begs me to come every game but I don't"

"Why? You don't like soccer?" He asked me, furrowing his brows. What a cutie. 

"I actually love soccer," I replied. He immediately loosened up. "I'm just really busy. Also this isn't really my scene."

He nodded in understanding. 

"Luca always talks about you." He stated randomly. "He said you're amazing. The whole team was super excited to meet you tonight."

I felt my face heat up and I shyly smiled. "That's sweet."

"Are you and Luca dating or...?" Erick asked casually, his sentence trailing off, waiting for me to answer.

"Oh no," I rushed out a little too quickly. "We're just good friends. He's also my neighbour."

Erick nodded nonchalantly but his over all demeanour had changed. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by one of his teammates calling him back onto the field. 

"Erick! Come over here, coqueto!" All the other guys started laughing. 

Erick rolled his eyes and stood up. "See you later hermosa." He said as he walked away. 

He looked back at me and winked and I felt my head fuzz over again. 

What just happened? 

. . . 

Throughout the game, I couldn't help but notice Erick look up at me on the bleachers from on the field. As our eyes connected I felt fireworks of emotions explode inside me. 

The game had ended and I was helping Luca put his bags into his car. We got in and started driving home. 

"I noticed Erick came to talk to you." He said, out of the blue. 

I tried not to blush as I nodded. "He was nice."

Luca smirked. "I gave him your number by the way. He asked me for it. Said he never got the chance to ask you earlier."

I nodded again, lost for words. 

"He told me he'll text you later." Luca continued. 

"O-okay." I stuttered out weakly. I didn't know what to say. 

Luca laughed at me. "I always knew you had a thing for Erick. Aren't you glad you came tonight?"

erick brian colón | one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now