Chapter 3 - Work

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"Hey Gav, come on get up," I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. I see Geoff's blurry figure start coming into view and sit up rubbing my eyes clear of sleep. "There's breakfast downstairs as soon as your done we're leaving." My hands snap away from my eyes and I look at Geoff shocked and scared. "I can't leave you here alone, you'll be safer with me anyway. Gav I need to go to work and I know you don't want to be alone right?" I look down and nod, standing up and following Geoff downstairs.

No one seemed to be in the house so I sat at the table but didn't devour the food like normal. I wasn't very hungry honestly, I was too nervous that I was leaving the house to think about anything else. I only finished half before I pushed it away and sighed. "Not hungry?" I looked at Geoff who stood in the doorway, something in his hands. I nod and Geoff nods in response, "let's go then."

I followed Geoff outside and he led me to a large looking metal thing. Geoff clicked the thing in his hand and the car beeping which made me jump and hide behind Geoff. Geoff chuckled "it's a car, its a way we get around faster instead or walking or running. These are keys, used for unlocking doors and turning on cars." I nod and Geoff opens the door for me and I get inside. He grabs something from behind me and straps it around me, clicking it to my seat. He gets around to the other side and does the same for himself. "It's a seat belt, you need to have one on at all times in a car or any vehicle that has one." Geoff shoves the keys into the car and turns them making the car start rumbling. 

Geoff grabs the circle thing in front of him and the car starts going. I grab onto my seat for dear life which just makes Geoff laugh. I look out the window and watch people we drive by, watch other cars and vehicles and mostly the animals. When I see a cat I growl quietly but a dog I'm interested in.

After a few minutes we make to a large building, the words Rooster Teeth stuck on the front. Geoff parks and I hesitantly get out of the car, with a little help from Geoff with the seat belt. Geoff handed me a hat and I looked at it confused, "you don't want people knowing your a hybrid of sorts right?" Did I care? Did it matter? "You don't have to you know, it just means you'll get questioned a bit, but I can tell people to back off." I looked down at the hat and grabbed it placing it on my head. "Shove your tail into your pants," I do as told and Geoff looks me over. "Press your ears back," I do as told again and Geoff nods with a small smile, "your good." 

I follow Geoff inside, staying as close to him as possible. I try and ignore everyone staring but it's a little difficult to. 

Geoff goes up to a door and puts his hand on the handle before looking back at me. "They can be kinda loud and may ask questions, if your feeling uncomfortable just look at me and I'll get you outta there ok?" I nod and Geoff opens the door. I survey the rather large room first noticing the crap that's scattered around. I then notice four other people in the room, all facing something. 

"Those are computers, well the screens. The big rectangle is the actual computer, I can teach you more about them tonight if you want and games, I think it'll be a good outlet for you." Geoff whispers and I nod in response, I guess I could give it a shot. "You can sit on that couch over there, or if you like it better the corner, but stay near the couch just so I know where you are." Geoff continued to whisper and I just do as told, curling up in the corner and watch Geoff sit on the edge of the desk closest to the door.

I watch Geoff work but didn't understand anything that was going on. I would look at the others screens sometimes and they were either playing a game I think Geoff called them or doing what Geoff probably was. 

I noticed one guy in the corner across from the couch get up and place whatever was on his head down. As soon as he got half way across the room he looked at me and I tried curling up tighter just wishing I'd disappear. He was glaring at me and he started to remind me of my master, I could hear his insults in my head and I pressed my hands against the side of my head like it would make the voices disappear.

"Geoff I think that fuckers having a panic attack." Geoff whipped around and quickly went over to me. I wasn't watching anyone but I could feel their gazes on me and I hated it. "Gav, come on can you hear me?" I heard him and I could feel him shaking me but the voice wouldn't go away and I pressed my hands harder against my head. I could feel tears in my eyes and I cursed myself for crying.

"Let's get you to the other room, it's quiet." Geoff guided me to another area in this room with more computers but they were all turned off. Geoff sat me down on the floor against the wall and continued to shake me, "come on Gav look at me." Hesitantly and slowly I took my hands away from my head and looked at Geoff, eyes filled with tears. Geoff frowned and hugged me which made me flinch slightly but I quickly hugged back gripping the back of his shirt. "I'm sorry I can't help you more..." He let me go and looked me over, "I'll be out there still ok? No one should come in here so it'll be safe and quiet alright?" I nod and Geoff nods, gently patting my head and leaving.

I curled up in a ball and lay my head on my knees, why did my life have to be like's not fair.

Three chapters in one day xP New record maybe?

Hope you liked, love you guys :D
If you have any ideas I'd love to hear em :3

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