Chapter 2 - Cleaning

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I jumped and yelped awake as soon as I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hand was instantly pulled back as I curled up tighter against the corner, hiding my head in my knees. "Shh it's ok..." I hesitantly pulled my head out of my legs and looked up at Geoff who was bent down in front of me. "You need a shower Gavin." I tilted my head in confusion, "you don't know what a shower is do you..." I shook my head and Geoff sighed. 

He went off into another area of the room and I heard what sounded like water running and jumped when it started. I saw some steam come out of the room Geoff was in and I was a little worried he was hurt. When he walked out I sighed quietly and he came over to me, holding out his hand. "Come on, you really need a shower buddy." I hesitated before taking Geoff's hand and he led me into the cloudy room.

I looked at the water running into some sort of white container that reached from one side of the wall to the other. The room was small though, a desk table thing next to where the water was running was the only other thing in the room. The table had a small white bowl looking thing on it as well, and two draw doors on the bottom. 

"That's a sink, and that's a shower. If the tub is filled with water than it becomes a bath. Anything else you need explained?" I shook my head and looked down. I didn't like being treated like a kid but I guess in a way I was, but actually I didn't know my age, I was never told and never really given one.

"Do you want a bath or shower? I can fill the tub if you can't wash yourself." Wash myself? How was I mean't to do that... The only thing I had to wash with before was a bucket of freezing water and a sponge. "I guess I'll have to fucking wash you then." I look down feeling kinda bad that I'm putting Geoff through all this unneeded work. 

Geoff got me to sit on the floor while he got some black thing and put it in the tub. I soon noticed the water start to rise in the tub and when it reached a certain point Geoff stopped the running water. "I'll be gone for a bit, get undressed and in the bath, I'll help you in a few minutes." With that Geoff left.

I looked at the water and hesitantly got undressed and climbed in, wincing at the heat. I sat down, hugging my legs to my chest again. 

It didn't take much longer for Geoff to come back and I jumped when the door was opened. "Sorry, you doing ok?" I nod and Geoff nods in return, sitting on the edge of the bath. "Your so skinny..." He sounded upset and worried, no one's ever been upset or worried about me before...

Geoff grabbed a sponge and some sort of container. He squirted something out of the container onto the sponge and rubbed the sponge together, putting the container back in the draw. 

He reached for me with the sponge and I flinched away, my ears pushed back against my head. "It's just soap, it's what's used to wash away the dirt from your body." I hesitated before sitting up straight again and Geoff scrubbed the soap around my body. As soon as he started getting closer to my thighs I shut my eyes tight and whimpered, hugging my legs closer and I could feel my body start to shake violently.

When Geoff stopped I looked at him and he looked shocked. "Gavin, what has happened to you?" I could feel tears well in my eyes from all the memories and I just looked down, digging my nails into my legs. Geoff sighed, "I won't go anywhere near there I promise." I didn't answer and Geoff grabbed another container, pouring some onto his palm and started rubbing my head. 

He started rubbing my ears and I couldn't help but lean into the touch, I've never been touched without being hit or pulled somehow so this felt kinda nice. When Geoff did this 5 more times he smiled, "your hair looked brown with all that filth." Geoff handed me a mirror and I hesitated before taking it. I've only seen myself once and I didn't like it. The only thing that changed was the brownish colour that was in my face, and my hair was a golden sorta colour instead of dark brown like it used to be. I couldn't help but noticed how pale I was though, it was disgusting.

I could see in his face Geoff was thinking something over, he was staring down at my tail without blinking. He soon looked up at me with a small smile and stood. He grabbed something off a pole hanging from the wall and put it on the sink. "There's a towel and I'll bring you clothes, I'll wait out in the room once your dry ok?" I nodded and Geoff left again.

I hesitated before getting out of the now brown water. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me, my breath hitching at how soft it felt. When I felt that I was dry enough I went into the room, keeping the towel wrapped around my waist. I noticed clothes on the bed and quickly got dressed, ignoring how big the clothes were.

There was a knock at the door before Geoff walked in with a small smile. "Griffin's cooked dinner, do you want to come downstairs?" I held my breath, more people? "You don't have to, but they won't hurt you, it's just my wife and child. If they bug you that much I can ask them to leave." I looked down, I guess isolating myself won't help...right? 

After I nod Geoff leads me downstairs. I quickly notice two people in the room where I had food last time. "I'll explain everything you need to know tonight, for now let's just eat." I nod and Geoff sits me down on the opposite side of the child, I think her name was Millie. She looked up at me and I hesitantly looked at her, she smiled and went back to drawing something.

I jumped slightly when a plate was put in front of me and I looked up at the woman who smiled generously. "If your still hungry after that just ask for more." I hesitantly nod and she goes back to what she was doing. 

I stare at the food hungrily. I want to eat it but the way I know I eat...I don't know if it's such a good idea. "Hey," I jump, looking to Geoff. "What's wrong? Why aren't you eating." I look down at the food, not able to trust my voice again so I say nothing. "Is it because of how you ate before?" I hesitantly and slowly nod, "we won't be offended go ahead Gav." I look up at Geoff who's smiling and look to the two girls who are eating normally. I look back down at my food but don't touch it. 

As soon as Millie finished Griffin went to put her to bed which left me and Geoff. When Griffin was out of sight I devoured the food in the same wild behaviour as last time. Geoff sighed and I looked at him questionably when I finished eating. "You've shut down, your quiet and scared of everything. It's just...sad to watch that's all." I look down, playing with my tail again. I knew I was shut down, terrified, I had a good reason...I think. I don't like being so scared and unsocial, but it's so...difficult to trust and talk to people again after what I've seen what humans are willing to do to people like me. 

Geoff stood, "please go back to your room, I don't trust you not to touch anything." I just nodded and went up to the room. 

My breath hitched as I stared at the large cushion in the corner that I slept in before. Did Geoff put that there? I looked at the large thing in the corner of the room, I didn't know what it was but it looked soft. I hesitated to walk over to it and stopped before I did, turning back to the corner and curling up on it. I quickly fell asleep, worrying about the days to come.

Idk, don't have much to say really. Sorry for the rape hint but meh xP there will not be rape in this chapter, it might hint it or almost come to it at some point depending on where this goes but there will NOT be rape.

Hope you liked, love you guys :D
If you have any ideas I'd love to hear em :3

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