Chapter 7 - Hell

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The next few days went by normally. I had been talking a lot more and I've stopped hiding in a corner everyday. Geoff and Ray have invited me to do a video with them but I always declined. I doubted my master would of found me, but I didn't want to risk it. 

I've talked to Michael a few times, but still saying very few words. We have only ever conversed when we were the only ones in the office. I don't know why he wouldn't talk to me otherwise but I didn't ask, I still didn't feel completely comfortable around him. 

I got in the car with Geoff like any other day. This time felt slightly different though, I couldn't explain it but I had a nervous feeling building in my stomach. I had nothing to be worried about, but I didn't feel good about today.


As soon as we entered the office I ignored everyone, going over to Geoff's desk and curling up in the corner. I only sit in a corner when I'm scared, mostly because of a bad dream the night before, but this time I don't know why I wasn't feeling well. 

Everyone ignored me, knowing that I didn't like to be disturbed when I'm on my own and I was thankful for that. Why did I feel so nervous, there was nothing wrong with my living situations now so there shouldn't be a reason at all. Was is something I was oblivious to? Maybe something happened and I noticed it but didn't quite register it. 

I was so confused and just trying to figure it out made my head pound. "G-Geoff I'm g-going outside..." Geoff watched as I stood and gave me a slight nod, "ok, be careful." I nod back and go out to the parking lot. Staring up at the sky I take in a deep breath, the fresh air slightly calming me down. The butterflies in my stomach however stayed.

I went and sat on top of Geoff's car, thankful Geoff never cared I did this. I usually sat on top of his car or somewhere high when I wanted to think. 

I sighed, enjoying the peace and quiet. Maybe the nervousness was just me going crazy, I just shouldn't worry about it.


I sat outside for 10 minutes and I was about to go inside, but the rustling of the bushes made me whip my head around. I was slightly thankful for my animal ears, my hearing was a lot better than a normal humans. The nervousness and panic rose inside me again and I quickly jumped off the car not feeling safe outside. 

I was about two feet from the door before I was grabbed, a hand covering my mouth and my arms pulled behind my back. My yelp was muffled by what I guessed was a man's hand. I whimpered, trying to be as loud as possible, but my whimpering turned into a quiet yelp when my arms were pulled down further in an uncomfortable position. "Shh, don't make me do something you'll regret." My eyes widened and my breathing quickened. I knew that voice, this was the reason I've been terrified of for so long. 

The man chuckled deeply, shivers running down my spine at the evil he put into it. "I found you my little pet and you have no idea how fucking pissed I am. You have been a naughty boy Gavin, I will make you regret running away." I shut my eyes tight, tears building quickly. I didn't want to go back, what if he kills me? What if I never see Geoff again? So many thoughts and questions assailed my mind I couldn't understand any of them anymore.

It wasn't much longer before I was grabbed by two other guys I guessed were the guards, and I was thrown over their shoulder. I didn't open my eyes, I didn't want to look at my master. 

I was chucked into the back of a car and that's when I opened my eyes. Master climbed into the passenger seat while one guard sat next to me, another driving. They weren't wearing security clothes or armour like they usually do, it must of been to camouflage with everyone.

I looked out the back window as we started to leave and saw Geoff walk out of the office. I went to yell out to him but I knew he wouldn't hear me, and I'd probably get beaten by the guards for speaking without permission. I sat forward again, keeping my head down when I felt the tears fall past my eyes. I watched as they dampened my pants for a few seconds each time one fell off my cheeks, why did life have to be like this?


"How have you been these past few months?" I tensed, my shoulders obviously stiffened at the question. I refused to look up but I knew my master was looking back at me. Why did he ask me such an open question like that? He's never asked such questions like that before. "You can answer." He said with a low growl. I flinched slightly at his growl and opened my mouth for a few seconds before sound finally made it past. "F-Fine..."

"I see you made friends, am I correct?" I nod and master chuckles. "They must be worrying about you by now." I didn't say anything, instead looked out the side window. We were already in the forest, only another minute and I'd be back in hell.

As soon as we arrived master climbed out of the car, walking to my side of the car and yanked the door open. I backed up, hitting the guard sitting behind me who just pushed me forward again. Master grabbed me by my hair, my eyes shutting tight in pain, and pulled me out of the car. He dragged me inside, pulling me to the small room I knew too well. 

He threw me into the corner and I instinctively crawling up against it, hugging my legs as close to my chest as possible. My ears were pressed so far back it was hurting, but when I was this terrified I couldn't control them. 

Master walked up to me, grabbing me by the hair again and yanking me up to his level. "You will learn never to leave this place again. I will make sure of that." He growled and I shut my eyes tightly, mostly from the pain of my hair getting pulled. 

Master dragged me to the little cage in the corner, throwing me inside and making the cage flip. I flinched when metal was forced painfully against my body, already making red marks. Master slammed the door shut, kicking the cage and leaving. 

I curled up in the only comfortable way I could in such a confined space, hugging my legs close and leaning against the side of the cage that was against the wall. I quickly found myself unable to hold back the whimpers and cries that ripped out of my throat, tears accompanying them. I knew I wasn't going to get out this time and it terrified me, the thought of it made my stomach sink. 

I continued to cry for a good hour or two before I finally passed out from exhaustion, thinking of Geoff, Ray, Michael and the happy life I was now never going to get back.

I'm really bad at ending chapters xP i can try but meh!

Hope you liked, love you guys :D
If you have any ideas I'd love to hear em :3

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