Chapter 11

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Before my very eyes, I saw time ticking away until my fatal day. First, it was two months, then it was weeks, and now, it's days. A mere 12 days until my wedding. Dear God am I screwed.

I tried to enjoy the scenery from my gazebo as much as I could, since I was aware that I would not get times like this again. I knew that as soon as that holy band was tied on my finger, I would constantly be bombarded upon, whether it be my wife jumping on my bones, or other relatives or businessmen asking if she was pregnant yet. To them, a wife had only a few purposes, one of them being to birth as many children as she could, and I was not ready to have kids with Charolette of all women.

My thoughts were interrupted by Thomas bidding me into our afternoon meal. I took my place as usual, and began to dig into the roast on my plate. "You know Thomas," my father began, motioning for the servant at the archway "I could really use a fire about now. It's a bit chilly at this time of year, yes?" "Oh sir, I can see what is possible, but if I'm being completely honest, I believe it is the woodsman's day off today." Thomas replied hesitantly. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the expression on Father's face was definitely not pleased. "I don't give a damn if it's his day off. It is freezing, so find some other n**** to do it." I let out an unfiltered sigh at the slur, which you could imagine, did not make my father any happier. "Do you have some type of solution, Henry? With that sighing going on over you better damn well have one." Father demanded. Before I was able to release my mountain of disrespect, an idea popped into my head, one that could be a plus for everyone.

"Actually I do," Father wiped the smug off his face for a moment, and replaced it with a snarl. "I'll just go and chop some firewood out in the wood." "Nonsense. I refuse to have my son doing manual labor." Father argued. "I'll take a servant with me. She can do the job." I argued right back. This could be another opportunity for Rose and I to spend some more time alone together before an eternity locked away from her grasp. "Father please. Just let me prove myself to you." With one last beg, Father complied earnestly. "Alright. Do as you please. But be home before sun fall."

On my exterior, I was my same, neutral self, but Internally, I was ecstatic. Some alone time with Rose could be just what we needed! I tried not to scarf down my food too quickly before heading outside into the cool, crisp, autumn air. I looked over my shoulder to check for watchers before sprinting off to Rose's. My heart was pumping at an alarming rate as I ran across the long stretch of land behind my home. Lost in thought, I barely even recognized Rose's door before passing it up. Approaching the door, my fingers began to graze over the rotted, oak wood. The same type of rot ran along the sides of the house, giving off an appalling odor. Before I was able to knock, the door was flung open and I was greeted by a not-so-welcoming face.

"Caleb. How lovely to see you again." His eyebrows were slanted angrily, framing his face harshly. He gave off an even worse odor than the wood of the house did, showing that he had been doing quite a load of physical labor. "What do you want?" He snapped. Trying not to be crude, I responded in a calm manor. "I am looking for Rose. Have you seen her?" His jaw clenched even tighter at the sound of her name. I could see in his eyes a sense of rage. A type of rage that I did not want to fuel.

"She's working." He said before slamming the door in my face. I could hear him stalk off to elsewhere in the hut. "Alrighty then." I mumbled under my breath. What's his deal? Did he not understand that my relationship with Rose is actually helping her? Without realizing it, my mouth slipped the words I was thinking, and I was treated with a punch to the face. "Don't you eva think she's doin' good because of you! We all know yo' real intentions. You are making her life a living HELL!" "I- I beg your pardon?" I stuttered with shock. "You damn well heard me, your highness." I was exasperated and furious at the same time, and I could not keep the words from flowing from my mouth like a gaping waterfall. "You are wrong! I love her! Hell, I would marry her if I could!" I took a pause to put recompose myself and throw an icy glare at at Caleb. "But you're wrong about me." I continued. "I'm not going to just use her for my own needs and toss her aside. I actually care about her. I want to give her a better life. Can't you see that?"

"If you wanted what's best for her you wouldn't be keepin' up this game." He said under his breath as he slammed the door in my face. I thought about what Caleb said to me as I turned directions and headed towards Rose.

Is it possible he was right?
Of course it isn't.
But could it be?

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