Chapter 8

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"No! Caleb!" Rose screamed out as the man named Caleb swiftly turned to face my direction, and began to run toward me. Before I was aware of it, Caleb was running into me and not to me, and I was soon pushed to the ground. He vigorously swung his hand around and began to clasp it around my neck. Air began to leave my lungs as his hand squeezed tighter around my throat until I could no longer breathe.

I could not remember how long I was in this position, nor could I remember how long I was I unconscious. The last image I could remember was of Rose having a somewhat failed attempt of prying him off of me.


"Caleb! What'sa matter with you!?" "What'sa Matter with me?! I just saved ya', so shouldn't ya be thankin me!" I was beginning to become aware again, as I listened onto the argument between Rose and Caleb. "Save me!?Henry wouldn't even hurt a fly! He wasn't hurting me." "...he wasn'?" "No, Cal. I promise." "Well damn Rose! How the hells was I suppose to kno'? I didn't know what the white boy was doin' to ya! You know the stories they tell..." I could tell that there was a long pause as I began to open my eyes. The two were arguing in front of an old man and a young child-Perhaps a girl. Most of the others who were present before had left, and the five were left alone. The sickly woman was still lying on the ground as well. What exactly was going on? "I know. But Henry is...different. He wouldn't hurt me." A third voice chimed into the argument, spewing in a coarse voice "I agree with Caleb, Rosemary." Rosemary? "Your daddy woulda disapprove greatly. There ain't no way you gon' be hangin out around him, you hear?" "No! Uncle Jay, now is when I put my foot down! There is no stoppin' me and Henry from bein'...together. I care about him. A lot. And he cares about me!" Rose. "Bullshit! He doesn' care about you. They don't care about nobodys. Do as your told." Rose's speech became muzzled, so in response I tried with all my night to speak. I had to help her somehow. A gentle "Rose" flew out of my mouth, but was seemingly inaudible to my flower.

That was until The brute that is Caleb snapped his head around and squawked "Hey! He's awake!" But before he could even make an attempt at ramming me again, Rose jumped up and Clasped onto his arm, preventing him from swinging at me. "Not again! I don't want any violence, Cal! Just let him go!"

I was shocked at Rose's quick action of defense. It appeared to be that she didn't even think before saving me again. Did she truly care about me the way I care about her? Caleb's deep voice awoke me from my trance as he snatched his arm away from Rose. "These people don't care about any 'o us! And he sure as hell don't care abou' yous! We can't have him tellin' off abou' us." Rose ran to my side as Caleb spoke, wrapping her hands around my upper arm and torso. "Thats enough! I'm tired of hearin' all of this scat about Henry! I care about him! And he won't tell a soul abou' us, will you, Hen?" I quickly shook my head no in response.

Caleb let out a chuckle, and began to stir into a laughing fit. "Fine Rose. Let pretty boy tell on yous, but when we're married, I ain't havin' any o' this shit."


I had managed to escape Caleb and the old man's rath, but I could not escape my constant worry about Rose. How was she doing? Was she really to be married to him? Or was this all a set up? I was determined to find out tonight.

It was day two of my father's parting, and I could not be more confused. My mind was still in a jumble, and I had much work to do for my father. I was to fill out forms, sign contracts, and to speak with coming and going men, normally old. Father claimed this was just me filling in for his position while he was gone, but I knew he was doing this to prep me for taking over. With my unfortunate and upcoming marriage, my transfer of the family business  shouldn't be too long from present day.

After the day was coming to a close, I waited patiently on dinner. One of the cooks, Mimi, came by and gratuitously handed me a plate filled to the brim with turkey and vegetables. The plate was practically overflowing with headings of corn, potatoes, and meat. "Mimi!" I exclaimed while begging to cut up my turkey. "You really outdid yourself today. Many a thanks for this wonderful meal!" "Oh sir," Mimi began. "It was nothin' you do need your grains to grow." "Mimi, I'm already a man. I do not believe I can grow any further." She let out a light giggle, but continued on "Even when yo' fifty, Imma always see ya as a child, Hon."

We shared a smile, then Mimi departed for the kitchen. Hurriedly, Thomas came through the back door, flinging it open abruptly. He started speaking in run-on sentences, exclaiming his apologies. "I am so sorry for my absence, sir. My wife has gone into labor and I must had to of be there for her. I apologize graciously." I glared at the man with a confused grin across my cheeks. This man's wife just brought a child into the world, and he was worried about being punished for his absence; The world was a cruel place indeed.

"Thomas," I began, setting down my utensils. "How is your child? Your wife? Did she have a boy or a girl?" His face displayed pure confusion as he spoke "Two kiddos, actually. Twins. Two girls, Lana and Scarlet. And my Darling is just fine, thank you for asking, sir." "Two kids! My dear Thomas that means twice the love. And twice the love means twice the time you need to be spending at home. Please, have the next few days off. Do not worry. My father is already gone, and he will not be back until half a fortnight or so." Thomas' look was still in the same composition, so I added on, "trust me. After all, I trust you."

And with that, Thomas left me alone to my dinner and my thoughts. Some of work. Some of the food. Some even of my marriage. But all we're nothing compared to this new sensation swarming my heart with thoughts of my Rose.

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