Begin Again

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Thomas POV

Alex spent 2 weeks in the hospital now he finally gets to come home. I'll admit it's hard to keep my eyes on the road when he is right next to me. Should I make a move tonight or wait till he gets readjusted to the dorm? I know we're both scared that John and James will get out of prison but maybe we need something to distract ourselves?
"Thomas." Alex's voice broke the silence
"How behind am I on my classes?"
"Always worries about school are we?" I chuckled
"Thomas I'm serious."
"I know you are. I was just trying to make you laugh. Don't worry your teachers were notified that you were in the hospital and you can meet with them during their office hours."
"Okay. Good. Do they know why I was in the hospital?"
"They think you were in a coma after falling down the stairs."
The car fell silent again. I think I know what will cheer him up.

~Le Time Skip~
While Alex went to rest for a little while I sent out a group text to our friends:

Tombomb: Hey guys Alex and I are back from the hospital, he's taking a nap right now but I wanna surprise him, can all y'all come by our dorm tonight? As a welcome home party for him? Say 6 o'clock?
Baguettes: Mon amis! Herc and I will definitely be there! :)
Angelica: Count me in! :3
Eliza: Ditto! <3
AndPeggy: Of course I'll be there! ^w^
Ham-BURR-gur: what should we bring? :?
LegsSpread: Finally an excuse to wear my red dress ;)
Tombomb: Bring whatever food and drink you want. Alex is gonna be so surprised!! :D

Awesome the gang is all gonna be here. I check the time, it's 3 o'clock, Alex probably won't take a three hour nap but that still gives me time to shower, change and clean up. There not really a thing to clean up since I was hardly here while Alex was in the hospital so I'll knock that out first. Then again with everyone coming over it's probably going to be worse Maybe I'll just leave it, there's not really anything to clean. I really want Alex to be happy. I just hope having a little party will make him smile. 

Alex's POV

I was supposed to be resting but sleep isn't happening. Everytime I close my eyes I see Laurens and him threatening to kill me. So I just lay on my bed and stare at the white ceiling. I lay there for  about 15 minutes when my phones starts to buzz. I pick it up to see it's a group text from Thomas:

Tombomb: Hey guys Alex and I are back from the hospital, he's taking a nap right now but I wanna surprise him, can all y'all come by our dorm tonight? As a welcome home party for him? Say 6 o'clock?
Baguettes: Mon amis! Herc and I will definitely be there! :)
Angelica: Count me in! :3
Eliza: Ditto! <3
AndPeggy: Of course I'll be there! ^w^
Ham-BURR-gur: what should we bring? :?
LegsSpread: Finally an excuse to wear my red dress ;)
Tombomb: Bring whatever food and drink you want. Alex is gonna be so surprised!! :D

I guess he had me in the group by accident. Were they all going to be here? I know Thomas wants this to be a surprise so I won't say anything, however; it's super sweet that he would want to do something like this. Thomas has been by my side through all of this and I think I'm starting to develop some feelings for him. Oh come on Alex that's crazy! Your boyf- ex boyfriend just got arrested are you really in any shape to be thinking like that? Not only that but his was arrested too! He's probably not ready for a relationship. You two should just stay friends. Then again what if he feels the same way about you? What if he's developed feelings for you, Could you two ever really work? You both share the trauma of abuse but is that even right? Just give it time you have friends coming over so why not find what you're gonna wear. Tonight is going to be perfect.


Hey guys! I know this was a short chapter but I'm currently in the hospital with my dad so I needed to use the time I had to finish this chapter. I'm gonna update more as soon as I can. I really hope y'all are enjoying this!

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