Marry Me?

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Thomas's POV
Light peers through the curtains, Alex is asleep beside me. He looks so cute when he's asleep. I glance at the clock, 9:30am.
"Alright Thomas today is the day." I say to myself.
I get up and take a shower. Angelica and Eliza are supposed to be coming over at noon to distract Alex for the day while Herc, Laff and I set up. Today I'm going to ask Alex to marry me. Peggy and Miria aren't able to be here, they moved to New York after graduation. Burr was in a car wreck and was DOA two years ago. The other driver is still in prison for a DUI. I know Alex still misses him, all of us do. Sadly death doesn't discriminate. Alex spoke at his funeral and poor Theodosia cried the whole time. George and Martha gave me their blessing to propose to Alex. That meant the world to me.

*knock knock*

That's them! I run to open the door and get tackled with hugs from both girls. 

"Good morning to you two too!" I say laughing. They let me up.

"So what's the plan?" Eliza asked in a half whisper

"You two are going to keep him busy till 6."

"How are we gonna do that?" Angelica asked

"Take him to the mall or something, shoot I dunno."

Just then Alex came in the living room. I smile a pull him into a kiss.

"Good morning love" He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"You need to get dressed. I have coffee and breakfast for you." he nodded sleepily and went to get dressed. 

(*Time skip brought to you by Alex standing on a table to feel tall.*)

Everything was set up, I placed a blanket under a cherry tree near the Hudson river. Ic checked my pocket one more time feeling for the ring. I needed tonight to bed perfect. After all Alex and I have been though, we deserve happiness.  He deserves happiness. 

I see Alex coming down the hill, wow he looks amazing! He's in a light blue button up shirt, black tie and black slacks. His hair was pulled back into a man bun with a single curl hanging in front of his eyes. I could feel my jaw hit the ground. Yes, I've seen him dressed up before but tonight he looked like he did on our first date. I adjust my tie as he walks up to me and kisses me. 

"Well don't you look amazing." We smile at each other.

"So do you my love." I give him a soft kiss on the cheek. 

"This is all so beautiful!" He looked around

"I wanted to make this special for you."

"It's perfect Thomas!"

"Not yet it's not." I cleared my throat and took Alex's hands in mine. 

"Alex we have been together for several years, every second of those years has meant the world to me, and if you will have me, I would like to continue making memories with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is" I get down on one knee and pull out the gold ring with light blue diamonds in the center. 

"Alexander Hamilton, Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" He tackled me in a mess of hugs and kisses. When we finally break for air I slip the ring on his hand.

"I love you Alex"

"I love you too Thomas."

We spent the rest of the evening eating, kissing, and planning the wedding. I can't believe he said yes! I couldn't be happier, Alex means everything to me. Finally this time I won't get burned.

"Hey Thomas?" Alex brought me back to the present

"Yes babe?"

"I have something for you." He pulls out a ring similar to his only with purple diamonds in the center. I am at a loss for words.

"I was going to propose to you tonight too." He smiles at me. He reaches out for my hand. I place moine in his as he slips the ring on my finger. I pull him into a deep and passionate kiss. Tonight was perfect. We break apart and he smiles at me.

"I'll take that as a yes then"

"Yes!" I practically shout and bring him closer to me. We stay cuddled up like that for hours, it's not till the sun finally set we decided to go home. We pack everything up and walk back to my car hand in hand. 

"I love you Alex."

"I love you more Thomas."

We kiss again before I open the car door for him. We drive home, both smiling and laughing. This is the start of the rest of our lives and I could not be happier. 


((A/N: Holy shit this took way too long. I know I was slow on Updates but after a year this story is now compete. It's my first completed story on wattpad! Thank you all for the support and love for this story.  I do have another story in the works for another fandom, as well as a collection of poems I have written. There is more writing to come but I feel like this is a good place to end this one. I may write a sequel to this story if that's what y'all would like please let me know. For now this is the end. I'll see you in other stories! Bye guys!!!! <3))

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