Chapter 6- Satan

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Even though I was half- demon, I still hated Hell. 

The air was vile: the taste of sulphur, fire and poison stained my tongue like permanent marker, and the stench of rotting flesh, decay and death burned through my nostrils. Screaming souls filled the red, glowing atmosphere like dying fireworks and the landscape was disgustingly barren: a long, infinite desert. There were thousands of deep, inescapable pits that housed the tortured, human souls who had turned their backs on God; and above each one was a steadily erupting volcano, except in Hell's case, the volcano's did not just erupt lava and ash. Here, they leaked out a poisonous gas that caused every soul trapped in the pit to live in their worst nightmare for eternity. 

One long, winding dirt path halved the landscape, and it was this way that I took to see the king of this wretched place, to see the one who kept all this pain going. 

Hell was Godless: no compassion, no love and no mercy. 

It was why my human half never came down here. He couldn't stand the suffering. Couldn't stand to hear the screams of the species he related to and became interested by on a daily basis. He'd probably be especially sensitive to their pain since he met that girl. Carmen.  

Admittedly, she was beautiful and yes, she did have a captivating innocence about her that was rare in the modern world; but he had met lots of beautiful women in his lifetime, and he had never been as smitten as he seemed to be now. He needed to sleep with her and get over her pretty soon afterwards. But I had to admit I wanted a piece of her too, so there was no need to be hasty. 

Regardless of the girl, however, I regarded my human half as a complete and utter coward for not coming down here. He needed to man up and adopt the mind-set that I had: ignore the screams, they all deserved it. 

I was jealous of human beings. They had the chance to live in paradise for eternity and before that inhabited a world full of beauty and wonder, completely different to the shit-hole that was technically the demon's home. Humans were valued and loved by God: he sent his son to die on the cross and save them from eternal torment, and this love even continued after they did multiple things wrong. It wasn't fair in any way possible. Humans had God's love no matter what they did, no matter how many times they did it. 

I may have been an invincible, powerful demon who could do what he liked, but I would never have that eternal love. I was condemned to be alone whilst the humans always had God to hold onto. 

And that was why the screams, despite their cries of absolute torture, did not affect me anymore; instead they dowsed the bitter fire that raged in my heart. Envy dissolved in the presence of retribution. 

Therefore I tolerated Hell. It did something for me, in a sick, twisted way.

However I still hated the place, so I continued to march along the dusty path, quickening my pace to avoid the blasting heat given from the entire atmosphere. My destination was a simple cave: the opening in the largest mountain in Hell. Mount Lucifer was the home of Satan himself, although there was nothing homely about it; even the devil didn't actually want to live there. 

The cave was only a few minutes' walk away now, which was good, because the constant pitiful cries were deafening and caused the human in me to feel sick. I couldn't help my genetics: I was still slightly human in the night, and still slightly demonic in the day. We were just both getting better at pushing those parts of us down, so that now we had almost become two different beings. 

It was better that way. 

Irritation was starting to seep its way through my skull. I knew it was only a fraction of what Satan himself felt, because getting in and out of his lair was much more of a chore than it should have been. No demon could shift in and out of Mount Lucifer because of God's spiritual block that imprisoned Satan, so we had to get as close as possible and then walk for twenty minutes, absorbing the joyful sights and sounds that a lovely place such as Hell had to offer. The journey was a pain, but I had to do it. 

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