Chapter 8- Luogo Del Diavolo

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"I've found you a job," Dev said brightly, stepping into my apartment as I opened the front door for him. 

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of beer. "Are you expecting me to be happy about that?" 

"Of course not," he scoffed, walking into the kitchen and opening a lager like he owned the place. "You're not happy about anything. It doesn't suit your intimidating personality." 

"You need people like me when you're surrounded by over-excited children like you." 

"Whatever," he took a seat at my dining room table in his usual place, his back to the window which displayed my favourite view of Los Angeles at night. "I'm the one who's being mature here by actually doing work when you're not." 

"That's ironic, considering I'm the one who has to take this job." 

"It's part of my job description to make you suffer from boredom." 

I couldn't help but chuckle as I took a seat opposite him. "Tell me what I need to know then." 

"It's your funeral," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows before continuing. "You've applied for a management job at Robbins and Co, which is basically a law firm that only takes on cases deemed 'morally correct'. Any other demon would probably burn up from all the good things done there, so that's why you're perfect for the job, and no one will suspect a powerful demon to be that close up, even if Robbins has got Il Libro Dei Demoni."

"Hmm...That could possibly work. But I have to get the job first." 

"The interview is this Friday at three o'clock. You'll probably meet her then. And I've got a fake CV here that I need you to memorise before you go. It'll look pretty bad if you don't know that you did a law degree at Cambridge." 

"At least make it realistic!" 

He chuckled in response. "If I did that, you wouldn't get the job." 

"True," he handed me the CV. "I'll have a look at this tomorrow then. Well done for finding the job so quickly. How did you manage to make the vacancy?"

"Let's just say..." His eyes gleamed with malice and cunning, and suddenly I knew where this explanation was going. "The previous manager felt the strangest urge to take a trip down Skid Row, and never came back..." 

Skid Row was a renowned road in downtown L.A where thousands of homeless people lived, therefore becoming a prime hot spot for murders in the city. Few were foolish enough to venture down there at night, especially since we had poisoned the minds of the homeless two years ago and made a number of them go completely insane. It looked like our efforts had indeed proved to be fatal. 

"I hope you were subtle about it. The Christians already know to some extent what we are; we don't need the rest of the human race knowing as well," Dev was just too messy with his strategies sometimes. Killing people would have been my last resort, but maybe that was just my irritating human half showing itself in my work.

"I know, I know. You remind me every time," Dev rolled his eyes at me as we both finished our beers. "Are you up for some fun tonight?" 


"Really?" Dev looked shocked, and I chuckled at the expression on his face. "You never want to do anything anymore...damn what's going on? Are you finally back to the party guy we all knew and loved?" 

"I'm not becoming the 'party boy' again, but I need to get out of the apartment. I've been working out here to fill up my time and I've gotten bored of it," I did love the shared gym that belonged to all the residents of this building. It had a massive swimming pool, extensive exercise equipment, and numerous hot tubs and saunas. But I kept getting irritating looks of longing from my neighbours, who always tried to distract me from my peace and quiet, and it was starting to get on my nerves. 

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