Am I?

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Somebody told me something today

And it got me wondering.

'You're just finding reasons to be unhappy.'

I was woken up this morning,

Hands rattling me into opening my eyes

To a view of my cupboard,

The sound of my mother's voice,

'There's so much work and you're still asleep?

Why do I even keep you around? Such a burden.'


'You're just finding reasons to be unhappy.'

My friend, my dose of happiness,

Left me to fend off this world on my own.

She promised she'd stay.

She promised we'll laugh through it all.

She promised we'd grow old together.

She doesn't promise me anything anymore.

'You're just finding reasons to be unhappy.'

I was walking back home last eve-

Jerked, pulled by the elbow,

Surrounded by two grown men,

People all around us

Watching the show, watching the 'poor thing'

As she was felt up from her thigh to the crevice

Of her neck.

Watching but doing nothing.

Feeling sorry, not daring to act.

I bet they were the very people who sympathized

And empowered the #METOOs on social media.

'You're just finding reasons to be unhappy.'

Would you say that if you knew all of this?

And I'm just starting off easy.

This is what people call, Child's play.

I do not want your pity.

I loathe forced words of comfort

More than anything.

But the next time somebody

Tells you they're having a bad day,

Give them the benefit of the doubt

And lend a ear. It's what helps,

For the most part.

I might sound like I'm done,

With life, people, everything.

Don't write me off just yet.

My heart isn't weak.

It is rather boiling with rage toward all the

Downsides I have faced.

And it's just waiting for the exact moment,

To burn, bright on a gloomy night.

- Harshal Bathija

Hello lovely people of Wattpad. I'm posting here after a long time and I hope you connect to this. And if you have anything to say, anything you need to talk about, I'm here. I'm just a comment/message away. :) 

P.S. I write on instagram via the handle @anotsobeautifulchaos and I would absolutely love it if you dropped by. <3 

Much love and happiness,


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