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Tiana →


"You're making the play a musical?!" Tiana shrieked to my boyfriend Monday morning. We were outside, chilling against my car with Brooklyn and Levi. Tiana, the girl that wrote the play, stormed up to Corbyn with a sheet of paper in her hand, which she smacked against his chest. She scowled at him, her dark brown eyes glowing with anger.

Corbyn scoffed, snatching the paper and lowering his shades. "What the hell is this supposed to be?"

"The receipt. You wrote an email to the director saying that the play is going to be a musical."

"Whoa, why am I just now hearing about this?" I asked him. Being the lead in this play was his idea, and I wasn't exactly getting a way out of my role. Acting wasn't difficult for me, but singing and dancing as well? I wasn't too sure about that.

"Because he wants to be sure he gets the part," Brooklyn accused. "I know you too well."

Corbyn rolled his eyes and turned back to Tiana. "Look, your play needs to be a musical."

"And why is that? It's great on its own."

"Of course it is, sweetie. But taking my advice will get a whole bunch of people through the doors of that auditorium. People love musicals. People love talent. I mean, take me for an example; I'm not the drama star for nothing."

Tiana swallowed. "If you turn this into a musical, the amount of auditions will lessen significantly, making it harder to find a cast."

"We have an entire drama club of like 150 students or more, most of who can sing and dance. We're good on cast."

"No! You can't do this!"

"I'm the president of the drama club. Sí puedo, Tiana. I make the rules. Most of them anyway." He shrugged, balling up the paper and placing it in her hand.

"And who do you think is gonna write all the songs if this actually works?" Tiana folded her arms.

"Um, you underestimate me, sweetheart. Now stop scowling, you'll get wrinkles." He blew her a kiss and turned back to me. "And you are gonna do great, babe, I know it."

I turned my head when he tried to give me a kiss, so his lips landed on my cheek instead. I heard a small laugh escape Levi's lips as he shook his head. "I should go to practice," I said, letting go of Corbyn's hands as he stared at me in confusion. "You coming, Levi?"

My best friend nodded and followed me, and I completely ignored Corbyn calling after me.

"Starting to see what I'm seeing?" my best friend asked me. I sighed, grasping the strap of my backpack. "Why else would he turn the play into a musical other than the fact he knows that less people will audition for the part he wants, giving him a greater chance of getting it. And what about that song he sang during lunch last week right after preaching about inclusion?"

"I get it, Levi. I just... I've known Corbyn for a long time and this isn't who he is."

"Yeah it is, Kris. It's just that he's gotten so comfortable in his relationship with you that he thinks he can show his true colors and you wouldn't care."

"I told him that I love him," I blurted out. Levi stopped in his tracks to stare at me.

"And did you mean it?"

"Well, yeah. I'm just wondering if I'm in love with the real Corbyn that everyone else seems to know or... the down-to-earth Corbyn that I've always known. I remember you saying he's insecure, and that might be very true. Ever since he came out, his relationship with his dad has been rocky. It's been years and it still affects him."

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