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Author side-note: I really can't remember if I mentioned Nico's eye color, but let's just say they're hazel! If anyone knows otherwise, I'd owe you one! I keep forgetting to keep track of these things. Lol, sorry.

Nico ↑

I made my way up the steps of the bleachers, where Mae was sitting alone and staring out onto the field. The cheerleaders were far off, practicing routines.

I sighed, taking a seat next to her and analyzing her. She was in a baby blue hoodie that had sleeves longer than her arms, baggy jeans, and sneakers. Her hair was tied back into a lazy ponytail, and she seemed tired.

"You didn't have to quit, you know," I told her as the wind tousled our hair. Without looking at me, she nodded.

"I guess I'm just sick of it all. I dunno; I'll find a club to join or something. I do like fashion." She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "How are you?"

"That question has gotten complicated lately."

"Do you really think I did it?" she gazed at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Mae, you and Kari are my best friends. Obviously, I don't want to think either of you told Corbyn about my mother. I just... I don't wanna accuse you guys falsely. Until I find out the truth, I'm not putting the blame on anybody but him."

"He set this up, you know that right? I mean, it's like he wanted you to hate me for this. Why else would he give me my spot back the same day that your secret gets out?"

"Okay, but you said he asked you for one of my deepest secrets."

"Yes, and in response, I slapped him."

"I'd give anything to have seen that." We both chuckled and she shook her head.

"I never told him, Jaden. Or anyone."

My eyes scanned her face, trying to find any ounce of deceit. I blinked, looking back out on the field. "What happened with Tiana? I remember you mentioned there was some drama with her."

"She made out with someone and I got jealous. It's stupid now that I think of it. It's not like we're officially dating."

"Have you two talked about it?"

"Not really, no. Has she talked to you?"

"A little. In theater today; she just told me to keep my head up concerning the whole situation with my mom. You guys should talk. Maybe she has an explanation. Listen, I have to head home. I've got something I need to do."

Mae nodded and smiled softly. "Okay. Be safe."


I pulled open the drawer of my nightstand and picked up the mayor's card that I'd laid atop the sheets of music. I walked over to my window and stood by it, studying the card between my fingers.

Why was I overthinking this?

I sighed, taking my phone from my pocket and dialing the number from the card. My heartbeat even sped up as the call went through.

"Hello. This is Janine, personal assistant to Mayor Kenneth Starr. What can I do for you?"

"Hi um... I-I'm wondering if it's possible to speak to the mayor directly?"

"And who might be calling?"

"My name's Jaden. I go to school with Corbyn Starr. It's important."

"Oh." She seemed a bit surprised. "Right, well, give me one second."

I was put on hold, so I walked to my bed and sat down on it. Nearly a minute later, the line was picked up again, but this time answered by a man.

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