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Jaden's father →



I walked into the kitchen where my dad was making pasta later on that evening. Mom was nowhere in sight, so I figured she had left already.

"Hey, baby. Sorry I didn't get to give you a little hug when you came home." He put his arm over my shoulder, giving me a brief, tight squeeze. I was definitely a daddy's boy, which Kari teased me about insanely. She kept saying that I was supposed to 'be a teen' and talk back to my dad or rebel, but that just wasn't me. I was very attached to my dad, even more so after my mother left. If he somehow abandoned us (which he would never), I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I heard you practicing your violin for the past two hours. It sounded beautiful."

"Thank you. Um... What did Mom come here for?" I inquired. I could tell that he knew that question was coming sooner or later. Of course it would' Mom hadn't been back here for an entire year.

"She misses you guys," Dad answered, trying to stomp out my curiosity.

"And?" I pressed on the subject. That response was just not enough for me.

He sighed, lowering the gas on the stove and facing me. "Did you tell her that Raina can't remember who she is? That's what she told me, and I guess it stuck with her. It clearly breaks her heart that her own child can't remember her, but..." Dad shrugged. "I mean, she chose the drugs over our little girl, over you and Emery."

"I don't think she chose the drugs, Dad. She's just... addicted."

"People who want to change go to get help. They go to rehab. If she really wants to better herself and be in all of our lives, she'd stop refusing my help." He turned away, blinking away his tears. It was clear to me that he was trying to be stern about the whole situation, but being without the woman he loved was hurting him. Seeing her like that must've been painful for him, more than it was for me. "How was school?" He changed the subject, wiping at his eyes.

"Right, I wanted to tell you I got the part in the play!"

"Did you?" He gazed at me in surprise. "I honestly never thought you were interested in acting."

"I-I'm not. Well, a little but nowhere near playing the violin and composing my own music. Another thing is-here's the shocker-Corbyn broke up with Kris during lunch period."

My father's eyebrows knitted together. "Wait, should I really be shocked?"

"Yes!" I nodded with my eyes wide. "I'm still appalled as it is. They're like the royalty of the school, but Corbyn's like... the person whose name you shudder to when anyone dares to utter it. And, Dad, once he finds out I got the part, I'm so screwed."

"What do you mean? He's not going to be mean to you, is he?" My dad's face expressed concern as he stared into my eyes.


"Jaden. I'm serious, if he's ever mean to you, you let me know." He turned off the stove. "I don't want people ruining your confidence."

"Don't worry. Kari and Mae have my back. Speaking of which, Mae joined Corbyn's group of friends. Friends slash minions, however you wanna look at it. But the twist is, she's like our spy. I mean, a lot of people would kill to be in Corbyn's inner circle. They get first invitations to his mega-huge parties, they become popular, go shopping with him... Whatever."

"Why does your high school life seem like a chick flick?"

"You mean dick flick?"

"Jaden, language," he scolded, shaking his head. "And... sure, that. My life was never so dramatic in high school."

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