Chapter 12- Face to Food (Pt. 2)

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Also, I am incredibly sorry for the severe lack of chapters! A lot of you are becoming a bit impatient but I can totally understand why! It's really annoying when a book isn't updated!

Just understand that I have a LOT of important things I am doing at the moment, including preps for the second half of my English GSCE. Thank you for the patience ❤️❤️)

You felt sick. Had a child died because you were hungry? And because he was? You prayed that wasn't the case, and he had found these somewhere. You prayed.
"Eat" he commanded, holding it out in front of you. There was this confused but solemn look on your face now, and you pondered whether or not this was a trick.

Either way, you weren't going to eat that. You hadn't even thought of it. It was covered in someone else's blood, most likely a child's. So in disgust you tilted your head away from the sandwich, as if turning your nose up on it. Pennywise didn't take too kindly to this. In fury, he slammed himself down onto his knee and with a spare hand roughly grabbed your face, forcing him towards you. You groaned in displeasure as he began to squeeze harshly against your jaw.

If he kept going he would shatter it. Without even trying.

So with a faint cry you loosened your jaw, allowing him open it up. He took a glance at your slightly swollen lips from when you were crying, and puckered up his own plump red ones. Then without warning he shoved sandwich into your mouth. It was a ham sandwich, but the first bitter taste that aggressively caressed your tastebuds was blood. It made you feel sick, and tears welled up in your eyes as you refused to eat it.

The tall clown muttered incoherent words to himself, as if irritated but not enough to shout it out, then with his grip still on your cheeks he forced your jaw up and down in a chewing motion. The tears that welled up in your eyes finally freed themselves, escaping down your cheeks and eventually dripping into the puddle of sewer water beneath you.

"Swallow" he grunted. You didn't want to, because this was wrong...but you were hungry, and you didn't want to anger him any more. God knows what he would do to you.

So you swallowed almost instantly, and with it you seemed to swallow the fear and reluctance that was boiling into a hard lump in your throat. Suddenly eating it didn't feel that bad, mainly because you were blinded by hunger.

He retracted the sandwich with an extra bite in it, and lowered it down to your hands. It hadn't occurred to you how much you were shaking until you looked down to grab it from him. You reached to take the sandwich but his hand retreats with fast pace. He laughs in this throaty chuckle, just teasing you for the hell of it.

"What do you say?" He questions, his voice bubbling with this strange excitement. He seemed to like the way he was in control, but in what way he liked it, you didn't know.

You swallow the lump that was forming in your throat and looked up at him. He was standing in this straight, dominating stance and smiling down at you. He was smiling, his bunny like teeth poking out from his upper would be cute if he wasn't so terrifying. You hadn't said anything yet, and you began to notice a frown set on his face. Anger.
"T-thank you?" You whispered, though it was more of a question than a statement.

His eyes lit up. He looked quite taken back, actually, at the way you had actually listened and done what he wanted. The faint shock vanished within the second though, replaced with that devilish forked grin. "Hmmmm?" He hummed.

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