Chapter 14 "Destiny's arrangements"

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Charlie Sanders had always been a boy with a bad reputation. When he was little, he had a band and was wreaking havoc. He had under his wing a little English boy with longs hair and they had become buddies. Nobody had the right to touch a single hair from Terry's head. When he grew up, his notoriety grew up with him and everybody was afraid of him. The other bands didn't like dealing with him, because he was without mercy when it come to settling scores. He and Terry had evolved in two completely different worlds, if we could say that, because some would say that Hollywood and the Mafia was one and the same thing... Charlie sanders had in fact a legitimate investment, he had a small company which was investing in Hollywood movies and which had made him gain a small fortune and part of it was because of his best friend Terrence Grandchester whose movies were making millions and whose advice on other movies allowed him to make millions of dollars. So nobody was touching Charlie Sanders' buddy and Terrence Grandchester was his number one buddy.
When he received a phone call on his private line, he answered right away.

- Yeah?

- Mr. Sanders? Hunter on the line, Mr. Grandchester's assistant

- Yes Hunter?

- I think Mr. Grandchester needs you right now...

- Where is he?

- Here, in Chicago...

Hunter gave him the address.

- I'll be there in five minutes, said Charlie

- Thank you Mr. Sanders.

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Terry was telling himself that he didn't regret helping Eliza out and that those gangsters were maybe buying this far-fetched story... He raised his head and looked at Lucky Malone, he wasn't afraid of him. He has to show how strong he was, otherwise, he was going to eat him alive.

Neil Reagan was outraged! What the heck was this crazy story?

- Eliza, he finally said, are you kidding? Grandchester can't stand you!

- Let's not exaggerate, said Terry, she was less sympathetic, but she was one of my friends in Scotland...

- He didn't hesitate for a second to come and save me in the water...

- When you pretended you couldn't swim? Said Neil ironically

- As a matter of fact, I would've done anything to be in his arms, said Eliza

- I knew it and I was flattered, said Terry

- Oh yeah? That's why you spit on her maybe? Said Neil angry.

- A lot relationship start with disasters, you know, said Terry

- When did it happen? Sis! You would've told me!

Eliza got some courage when she heard Terry's answer to Neil.

- Why would I have told you? So you could yell at me for doing it for free with the man I love?

- Eliza! Said Neil, that's enough! Your fantasies about this 3$ actor aren't fooling anybody!

- Neil, I'm serious, said Eliza, Lucky. Betty is not your daughter, she's Terry's ...after his break up with Candy, he became an alcoholic, we met here in Chicago, and his subconscious probably brought him here to be near Candy... I saw an opportunity and I took it...

Terry looked at Eliza. As a matter of fact, they had met one night he was drunk, but she didn't take advantage, on the contrary, she helped him so no one would take advantage of him... Neil saw their looks...

- Oh my God! It's true???!!! Said Neil disgusted.

There was a knock on the door. Charlie Sanders made his entry surrounded by his men.

- Well hello everybody, he said smiling.

- Charlie! Said Terry smiling.

Lucky Malone was not happy.

- Sanders, what the hell are you doing here? This is not your territory! He said

- Terry is my buddy and nobody comes to threaten my buddy...

- Really? Said Malone, you know this greenhorn?

- Careful! You're talking about my brother!!! Is there a problem?

- Well yes! Said Malone, I had a kid with this girl and she's pretending that the kid is Terry's!

- What does Terry say? Asked Charlie looking at his friend.

- Terry says it's the truth, said Neil, that's false! He can't stand my sister!

- Well, stranger things have happened, said Charlie, if Terry says the kid is his, then that's the case, so I also say it's his kid! Did I make myself clear?

- But..., said Neil

- Shut up Reagan! Said Malone angry, I don't want any trouble... you didn't tell me he knew Sanders!!!

- But..., continue Neil

- That's enough! Let's go! Forget this story and the kid too!!! She's not worth it!!! And she's protected by Sanders!!!

Neil looked at his sister with mean eyes.

- You're not going to get away with this! I'll get you!

- If you touch a single hair of her head, I'll kill you, said Charlie to Neil. Your boss better keep you on a short lease...

- I want a paternity test! Said Neil

- No problem, said Charlie, if it's going to make you give up...

- Damn it Eliza! You didn't trust me? You trusted this 3$ actor?

- He's a 20 million dollar actor per movie, said Eliza, but let's pass. Yes I entirely trust Terry. You turned me into a slut Neil... I don't want to have anything else to do with you and your gang! Get out of here!

Lucky Malone stood up. He didn't want any trouble with Sanders. He knew that it would take only one word from him and the families would eliminate him! As precious as Eliza with her butt and her secrets, it wasn't really worth getting killed over... But they were not going bow down without any noise. Lucky Malone walked to the door without a word, followed by Neil and his men. They slammed the door behind them.

Eliza had a sigh of relief. Terry looked at Charlie smiling.

- Thank you buddy, he said

- You know you can count on me for everything... but there will be consequences... the press is going to have a field day...

- What else is new? Said Terry, that's the price to pay to save Betty and her mother from a life of debauchery...

- Oh Terry, thank you, said Eliza, thank you so much...

- You're welcome... I have to call Candy to tell her what's happening...

Susanna couldn't take it anymore. She had remained silent during the whole conversation with the gangsters, so she exploded:

- What do you men, call Candy??? What about me? What am I? Chopped liver??? You're putting Candy before me? I'm afraid with my life with all those gangsters walking around here! And your only concern is Candy??!!

- Susanna, said Eliza, calm down, it's not good for the baby...

- Oh you shut up!!! You've slept with my husband! I saw it in your eyes when you looked at each other!!! I don't want to see you here anymore!!! Get out of here with your bastard child!!!

- Eliza is my guest, said Terry and she's not going anywhere! Come with me to the bedroom, Susanna...

He took his wife to the bedroom.

- You're going to calm down ok? Said Terry, it's not good for the baby!

- I'm getting fed up! How many ex-mistresses are going to come out with children?

- That's in the past, said Terry

- Does Candy know?

- No...

- So you cheated on her too?

- It wasn't like that...

- Terry...

- The press is going to have a field day. If you want to make a declaration by your spokesperson...

- Seriously? I don't even know what to say!!!! Another mistress coming out of the blue with a child!!!

- I'm going to go see Candy. Are you going to be ok?

- Of course, your precious baby will be fine!

- See you later Susanna...

Terry got out of the room. He went to the living room where Charlie was waiting for him.

- Thank you for coming, buddy, said Terry.

- No problem... they won't touch you, the only thing they'll do whether I intervene or not is go to the press... But they're going to leave you and the red head alone...

- Thank you buddy! Said Terry hugging him, now, I have to go see Candy to tell her what's going to happen...

- All right, I have to go too, said Charlie walking to the door, see you next time...

- Good bye Charlie, said Terry

Charlie left. Terry went to see Eliza and the children in the bedroom.

- Are you going to be ok? He asked

- Everything is going to be fine! Said Angel, if they want a paternity test, I will give my saliva...

Terry and Eliza looked at each other.

- Did I tell you that Angel is a little genius? Said Terry

- Really?

- Yes, she's the one who found me by going through her mother's beauty case, she found her birth certificate.

- Oh you know how to read at your age? Said Eliza.

- Like a big girl! Said Terry, thank you so much Angel, but I hope it won't be necessary... I'm going to go to the hospital to see your mum.

- To explain to her before she hears about it on television? Said Angel.

- Yes... I would like to reassure her... see you later.

Terry got out of the room with Eliza.

- You could've taken advantage of me that night...

- As much as I was in love with you, I didn't want to have you for one night you wouldn't remember me... I thought I was crazy... but for you Terry, it's all or nothing!

Terry looked at her; she had her pride after all.

- I will come back later. Expect the phone to ring a lot. Hunter will take care of it, don't worry... see you later...

Terry got out of the suite to go see Candy who was still at the hospital. .. He had a cap and sunglasses and he arrived in Candy's room in silence.

Candy looked up and was surprised to see him.

- Terry? She said, what are you doing here?

- I came to see you...

- Is there a problem?

- You can say that...

- What? Is it Angel? Is something going on? Is it the baby?

- No, nothing like that... but...

He told her everything that happened with earlier...

- What???!!! Said Candy, oh my God!!!

- The only problem is that Neil is going to have field day with the press...

- So you're going to be little Betty's father. Eliza's daughter? Eliza?

- You know, I came to Chicago after our break up and I was getting drunk... I met her... and she didn't take advantage...

- As strange as it sounds, she has her pride after all, I suppose...

There was a television in the room and Terry turned it on... Terrence Grandchester was depicted like a womanizer, a Casanova, Eliza Reagan, mistress number two with a baby after Candice White, mother of little Angel... Susanna Marlowe Grandchester made a declaration saying that she knew about it, her husband had told her everything and that nothing had changed between them. She loved her husband and their marriage was as strong as ever...

- If only, said Candy sadly

- I know, said Terry looking at her. Do you have the test results?

- Yes, said Candy, this baby is going to be able to save Angel... but it doesn't mean that I don't care about the baby Susanna is carrying...

- I know, said Terry smiling. I'm very happy for us. Two guaranties that Angel is going to be saved... Thank you God!!!

Candy burst out laughing. Her baby was going to be saved... But she had lost Terry...

Terrence Grandchester didn't make any declaration to the press, he didn't confirm anything, nor deny the allegation on little Betty's paternity, which only made the press crazier...

Weeks and months passed and the babies in the belly were growing...

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