Myth's POV
Bunnymund was the first one to be my escort. We hopped into the bunny hole and slide all the way to my world. We landed at the front gates and I sighed.
"This is gonna be a long war."
"It hasn't started yet shelia."
"This war started the day Pitch went to jail." A thought hit me. "How am I going to fulfill my duties?" Bunnymund thought about it.
"I'll talk to North about it and see what he says." I nodded and went to my bedroom. Bunnymund followed me. "I'm headed back to North. I'll be back in a bit." I nodded again and sat on my bed. What was Horror's plan this time? I went to my sand phone.
"Sandy, I'm worried, could you come here?" The sand moved into a question mark and then a check mark. I sat on my bed again until he came in.
"Sandy, you know how Pitch tried to kill you? And sort of succeeded?" Sandy crossed his arms and made a face. "And how Horror usually copies Pitch's plan for the most part?" A check mark came above the mute sandman's head. "I think Horror's gonna try and kill you Sandy."
Needless to say that the sand above his head went absolutely ballistic as he 'spoke' rapidly and angrily, considering the sand had a slightly red tint to it. He decided to go tell North what I just told him. Then my Snow Globe began to glow. I picked it up and there was North.
"What's this Sandy is telling me?"
"North, I think we need to meet here in Mythica. Everyone. I'll send out the Summer Lights." Now, the Summer Lights are almost exactly like the Northern lights, only with warm colors, like red, orange, yellow and pink. Soon everyone, except for Jack, was there.
"What is it Summer?" Tooth looked worried.
"Where's Jack?" I asked.
"He doesn't know about the Summer Lights. Someone needs to go get him." North said. I huffed and fluttered my wings.
"I'll get him. All of you stay here. I mean it."
"Summer-" But I was gone. I went to the Southern Hemisphere and landed on top of a snow pile. Where was that white haired snow- found him. Jack was sitting in a tree with a snowball. I was about to go over to him when he started talking to himself. I went over to the base of the tree, and camouflaged into the tree.
"What is wrong with me? I can't help but feel hateful towards Myth. Is it because of she brings Spring and Summer? Melting my snow? But North said she loved the snow. But why do I feel hateful towards her?" I frowned. Of course.
Jack Frost and I won't absolutely get along. I'm closer to Bunnymund because of the warm weather I bring for when he does the Easter Egg hunt, so Jack would probably do better with North because of the Winter thing. Then I heard a cold laugh.
"Well well Jack. I see why Pitch went after you. You aren't completely believed in like the others. You only recently began to be believed in, and that's only because of that one little boy up North." Jack glared at Horror.
"I won't go with you Horror. I have people who believe in me and that's good enough for me. I don't need to be famous like North or the Kangaroo."
"I don't want you to work with me Snowman. I just need to do enough damage to you to break that stupid butterfly." My wings fluttered as I turned towards Horror.
"Myth? How long have you been there?" Jask asked.
"Long enough." I gave Jack a quick sad look, then hardened my features towards Horror. "Jack, head to Mythica, the other guardians are waiting there. I'll hold him off." I held my hands out and a small ball of light appeared.
"Not so fast!" But Jack left and it was Horror and I. "Damn, well then. Myth, I'll see you around." I sent my light out to hit him but he dodged and went through me. I fell to my knees and growled. I needed to get home.
I made it back and there was everyone in the throne room. I went and sat on my flowery throne.
"What is it you've been talking about Summer?" Tooth asked.
"We know that Horror steps closely in his brother's footsteps, so I guessed that he was going to attack Sandy, however I believe he has another plan." They all turned to me as I turned to Jack. "He's going to try and use Jack to try and stop me."
"Why would that be?" Tooth asked.
"Maybe because I've been close to Jack since he became Jack Frost and only recently had to stop watching him, and he's also a new guardian, not many people believe in him yet and his powers aren't very strong since he's never been trained to his full potential. He's easy to manipulate and already holds some sense of resentment for me." Everyone turned to Jack now.
"What is she's talking about mate?" I raised a hand.
"Bunny, please. There is no reason to be angry with Jack, he has his reasons. What we need to do is not only make sure that all of us can continue our duties, but that we all stay safe. I will be working on Light Barriers to give you all, you just need to put them on the globes and it will protect your realm. Jack, you don't have a realm as of yet, so you will need to stay with someone when you aren't doing your duties."
"Maybe he should stay with you Summer." Tooth suggested.
"Since you need someone to accompany you since Horror is loose and he has no realm of his own." I looked to Tooth and North, then Jack.
"What do you think Jack?"
"I don't care."
"And neither do I."
"Then it's settled. You two will be staying with each other." I nodded and started work on everyone's Light Barriers.

Mythical Frost
Fiksi PenggemarWhat happens when a the oldest 'myth' appears to Jack Frost?