Chapter 4

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Myth's POV

I finished the Light Barriers as fast as I could so everyone could return to work and as soon as they left, it was Jack and I. Which was totally awkward. And then Nutter came over.

"Yes Nutter?"

"Nutter?" I looked over to Jack.

"Yes, Nutter. He's my second hand squirrel. He takes calls, emails, and faxes. Don't ask how a squirrel works a phone or computer. Now, what was that Nutter?" He started to do his thing. "So the Potters are trying to get Jimmie to forget North." I pulled out my globe. "Got it. Let's go Jack."

We headed to southern Miami. Jack was a little irritated because it was pretty much Summer and I'd automatically melt his snow. I knocked on the door.

"Madame Myth. Thank you for coming." I nodded and went in, Jack close behind. "Jimmie is almost 13 and believing in Santa Clause is a little far-fetched at his age." I nodded and pulled my globe back out.

"Right Mrs. Potter. Just give me a minute." I walked into the living room and there sat Jimmie in the recliner.

"Hello Jimmie. My name is Madame Myth. I heard you still believe in Santa Clause." He just looked at me.

"You gonna make fun of me?" I shook my head.

"Of course not."

"Mum keeps saying he's not real. I don't fully believe her."

"Don't fully? That means you have doubts about Santa Clause existing?" He nodded. Jack looked a little irritated. He was not gonna like this trip.

"Why not tell me your doubts?" I inquired.

"Well, how can he live at the North Pole? It's supposed to be like, -40F up there. No one can live in that." Jack growled, I sent him a quick warning glance, even if Jimmie couldn't hear Jack.

"It gets about that cold in other places though. People live in Canada and Greenland. And scientists are at the South Pole, which can get to about -75F. So it's not to far-fetched to believe that someone may live up there."

"Okay, reindeer don't fly. It's against science." I shrugged.

"True." Jack's jaw dropped. I knew I was gonna hear it later. "What else?"

"How can he deliver houses to ALL the children on earth in one night. He'd have to visit 822 houses per second, and unless he had helpers, it couldn't happen." I nodded. North is just that good. "And another thing. When is it considered 'night.' When the sun goes down? Or later? At Midnight, it would technically be Christmas morning."

"I see your point, but with your delivery problem. Is that for all the kids in the world? Or only the ones that celebrate Christmas?" Jimmie thought about it.

"I'm not fully sure. I just saw it somewhere on the internet." I nodded again.

"Any other doubts?"

"No." I nodded.

"Now what makes you latch onto believing that Santa Clause is real?"

"I see your point. Nothing really. I guess I just don't believe in Santa Clause and probably haven't for a while, but I never realized it." I nodded.

"Okay. Well then. It was nice talking to you Jimmie." I stood and left. And, of course, Jack freaked out.

"What the hell Myth!" I sighed. "How could you do that? Making a kid not believe in North! That could really hurt him." We made it back to Mythica and I sat on my couch.

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