Summer's POV
I sat up and looked around my room. After the meeting yesterday I was asked by Father not to follow Jack any more. I don't mind, I can do something different, like remodeling. I looked at the floor. I still had my winter decor up, and summer was in a few days. I needed some spring though. I closed my eyes.
What would be nice and springy? A meadow with daisies and butterflies? No. Japanese cherry blossoms on a hill with a blue bird flying. I opened my eyes and that's what I saw. I stood. Being Daughter Spring came with changing things, because that's what Spring is, a time for change. I stretched my wings. They had disappeared in my snowman outfit, and it was nice to have them out again. I fluttered them and got out of bed. Some of my helpers came up. Butterfly fairies and a squirrel.
"Hello my fairies, Nutter, how are you?" The small squirrel spun in a circle. "I see. The Jenkins need help today. Little Kimmie's turning nine and they think she's too old to believe in who?" He hopped. "Bunnymund?" He nodded. "I see. Let's go shall we." I flew up and made it to Los Angeles and to the Jenkins house. I knocked on the door.
"Coming!" The door opened to reveal a thin blond woman. "Madame Myth! I'm so happy to see you. Come in come in." I walked into the small house. "I see you got our message. Kimmie's turning nine in a month and won't stop talking about the Easter bunny. Can you please help me?" I looked into the living room.
Kimmie was sitting with a stuffed rabbit. I pulled out my mini globe of belief. No lights have dimmed recently. And by the looks of things, Kimmie's is still glowing bright. It's easier to work with those who barely believe because they don't really affect our power. But Kimmie believes so strongly.
"Mrs. Jenkins."
"Yes Madame Myth." I waved her over.
"Look here." I motioned to the globe in my hand.
"It's a globe covered in lights."
"Yes, this is my belief globe. It shines when there is a child that believes in me, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, or Jack Frost. You see this bright one right here?"
"That's Kimmie. The brighter the light, the stronger the belief. She believes so strong in the Easter Bunny that telling her he doesn't exist at this point would ruin the rest of her life. I will return when the light is dimmer, because it will be easier to break her from the belief."
"But she-"
"Mrs. Jenkins. I am unable to help you." The woman got angry.
"But your job is to-"
"My job is to break kids who aren't true believers, who don't really believe and if they found out that whatever 'myth' they're following is fake won't have any impact on them. Kimmie believes, strongly. First of all, it's gonna be hard because strong believers won't believe something else unless they see the true evidence with their eyes. Not only that, but it will crush Kimmie." Mrs. Jenkins looked very upset, but I didn't really care. "If you will excuse me. I will let myself out." I left and went back home. Then saw the lights. So I headed back to the North Pole.
"There you are Myth. We've been waiting for about an hour." North said.
"Sorry, had to tell Mrs. Jenkins I wasn't going to convince Kimmie that Bunnymund wasn't real."
"Thanks a ton sheila."
"No prob. What's up North?"
"The Man in the Moon thinks there may be a new threat." North explained.
"Like what?" I asked.
"We don't know." North furrowed his eyebrows.
"What else is awful like Pitch?" Jack asked, obviously confused.
"The Man in the Moon thinks that it may be..." North said. We looked at the moon on the floor, shapes were forming.
"That looks like..." Bunnymund began.
"Horror." We turned around. It was a tall, pale man holding an old ax.
"Horror..." I stepped back a bit. Pitch's brother.
"Hello Madame Myth. I haven't seen you for a few hundred years. How are you?"
"Go away Horror. Go under the bed with Pitch." I snapped.
"Nope, since Pitch couldn't be believed in, I will, and destroy all of you."
"You can't destroy me Horror. We all know that." I snapped back.
"Yes, because you're daddy's favorite. But I can take your friends away." I tried to step forward. "Don't move Myth, or I might go into a child's dream and remove all hope and faith." I gritted my teeth.
"Horror. You're still hiding in Pitch's shadow I see." North said.
"Shut your trap you jolly old oaf. I'm playing differently. What better way to remove hope... well actually. Why give away my plan? You won't know until it's too late." And he was gone in a swarm of bats.
"Who was that?" Jack asked, still obviously confused, still being new to the guardian scene.
"Jack, that was Horror. He's Pitch's younger brother. He has had the same thoughts and plans as Pitch usually, only the slightest thing is different. And I don't like how he looked at Myth." North said, looking at me with worry in his eyes.
"We don't really know." Tooth said.
"It's because I was assigned to make people not believe in Pitch and Horror. They are still angry with me. And Horror is the worst of the two, because he thinks it's my fault Pitch went to jail."
"And he still wants revenge on her for it." Tooth said.
"Should we watch over her?" Bunnymund asked.
"No, Horror can't come into my world because of the light, same reason that Pitch can't come into my world."
"If you say so Myth. But maybe you should be escorted to and from you're palace."
"I'll be fine North."
"Listen to him sheila. If you get hurt, we'll feel awful. Let us be a mate to you like you have for us."
"Fine Bunnymund. If it makes you feel better."

Mythical Frost
FanfictionWhat happens when a the oldest 'myth' appears to Jack Frost?