The girl next door

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                                        Meeting Emblem3

He stuck his hand out I grabbed it and I looked at him it was Wesley! He said "I am so sorry!" I said "No it's my fault." He asked "What's you're name?" I said "Katie, what's yours?" He said "Wesley." I said "Didn't you audition for the x factor?" He said "Yeah!" I said happy "You did great!" Then Wes said "Um do you want to come to apartment for a little while?" I replied "Sure!" We walked to the elevator, I asked "How old are you?" He said "20 you?" "Um 17!" He asked "What happened to your face?" I replied "My step mom slapped me on the face yesterday, and my parents abuse me." I said "They started to abuse me when I was about 7 years old!" The elevator opened and he opened the door for me and we walked in I saw Drew and Keaton, I said shyly "Hi!" They both said "What's up!" Drew asked "Wes did you find a girl?" He said laughing "No!" Keaton said "Take a set!" So I walked to the coach and sat down Drew sat by me, so did Wes. We were all laughing for about 1 hour. My phone rang and I answered it, and it was my mom she was yelling at me, I looked at all three of them and I knew they could hear the whole thing. I said "I have to go." Wes said "Can I talk to you Katie?" I said "Sure." Wes said "If you need anything just tell me, I am here for you." I said "I might need to later tonight." He said "Why?" worried "because my mom or dad might do something." I said "Bye, it was really fun talking to you guys!" and I walked out the door.

Wesley's POV

I said "Dude Katie is freaking HOT!" Drew asked "How old is she?" "17" Drew said "Crap!" Keaton said "Drew you already have a girlfriend!" I said to Keaton and Drew "Katie gets abused!" Drew said "Dude that is messed up!" Keaton said "Should we do something about it?" I said "If we say something to her parents what if there parents later beat her up?" Keaton said "She could die for all the abuse!" Drew said "Did she tell when she started to get abused?" I said "Yeah when she was 7 years old!" I said "She has a 8 year old brother and they don't abuse him, only her!" Keaton said "Did you see her face when she answered her phone?" Drew said "Yeah, she looked really nervous!" Keaton said "I don't want talk about this anymore, who's hungry?"


I went down the elevator and I saw them, I started to walk towards them dad said "Where have you been?" I said "I was looking around the apartment!" We all went in the elevator and we were at the second floor we arrived to out apartment and Wesley's door opened and it was Wesley the door was not opened opened I could just see his eye, but I was pretending I couldn't see him.

My dad said "Katie you are in huge trouble!" I asked "Why?" He said "Because you don't help us!" We started to get in a argument. He said "You are going to get really hurt tonight!" Wesley opened the door and said "Hey, she didn't do anything!" My mom said "Who are you?!" my dad said "This is family things, so back off he pushed Wesley!" I yelled "STOP!!!" I went over to Wesley and said "Oh my gosh, Wesley are you okay?!?!"

  Drew opened the door and he said really mad "Did you just push him?" My dad said "Katie come inside NOW!!!" I whispered to Wesley "I am so sorry!" I went inside the apartment and when I got inside my dad slapped me on the head, then he pushed me down the floor, and he went on top of me and he punched me on the face. He finished hurting me I ran to my room and was crying. I was thinking I wanted to die!!


I was done crying, I was unpacking my stuff I put my clothes away and I went the bathroom I had a black eye, it wasn't shocking because I was used to getting black eyes but I was not used to the pain. I put stuff in the bathroom, I thought it was really quiet so I unpacked my radio and put on a song and the song that came on was Emblem3 XO, I said in my head "I love this song!!"

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