Chapter 28

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Recently, Violet has introduced me to some of her other friends and all of us get along great. All five of us are going shopping today and unfortunately we have to sneak out as Dante really wasn't keen on letting me go. I wouldn't normally do something like this but as I'll be going into heat very soon, I'll have to spend all my time cooped up in our room. So, I want to get as much freedom now as I can, before I'm stuck inside for 2 weeks. I know what you thinking, it's a bit stupid to go out when I'll be going into heat any day now but, you gotta live life on the edge, right?

"I can not believe you just said that," Arabella grumbles from the back of my mind. 

"Oh shut up," I reply, laughing a little. I block Arabella out and go to meet Violet and the others. Dante is working so he won't realise that I'm gone and if he does then he'll probably just assume that I've gone to the pack house again. Once I'm dressed and ready, I go outside where Violets car is parked. I get in and we all head off in the direction of town.

"How mad do you think Alpha Dante will be when he finds out you wet into town?" Violets friend Amelia asks from the backseat of the car. Me and Violet are sat in the front, Violet obviously driving as it see car, and then Amelia, Jessica and Lucy are all sat in the back.

"Really mad," I reply.

"Wait, don't you have someone guarding you while Dante's working?" Lucy questions.

"No," I frown realising that that might change. "But I probably will after this."

"Meh, it doesn't really matter." Violet says, waving her hand in a dismissive manner. I decide to forget all about this and just enjoy the trip. On the way there we sing along to all the songs that we listen to on the radio. It doesn't take long to get there and we arrive pretty soon. We all got out of the car and I'm immediately dragged towards the shops. This is going to be a long day.


We end up spending hours walking around all the shops. I'm now beginning to get tired and for the past half an hour, I've had this really uncomfortable feeling. At first it was just a weird feeling around my torso area but now, it's starting to become painful and I can feel it spreading. It's not that bad and I decide to ignore it because I don't want to spoil the rest of the day out with the girls. All of us are just now heading to McDonalds to get some food. Violet goes and orders food for all is us while me, Lucy, Jessica and Amelia go and find somewhere to sit. Just as Violet brings out over our food, my phone rings. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a look at the caller ID. When I see who it is, I become a little nervous.

"Who is it?" Violet asks as she sits down.

"It's Dante," I reply biting my lip. The girls look at me a little anxiously.

"I have a feeling that were all about to get into a little bit of trouble." Lucy says leaning forward in her chair a little. I take a deep breath and answer the phone.

"Riley! Where the fuck are you? What took you so long to pick up?" Dante's voice fills my ears ad I can tell that he is angry. "I went to look for you at the pack house but was told that you weren't there." 

"Um..." I look at the girls and cover the phone for a second. "What do I say?" I urgently whisper.

"There isn't really anything you can tell him apart from the truth." Jessica says and the rest of the girls nod their heads.

"Riley!" I hear him shout from the other side of the phone. I put the phone back to my ear and decide to tell him the truth.

"Um... I went out shopping with some friends." I say quietly. The phone goes quite and all I can hear is heavy breathing coming from Dante.

"Come home now!"


"No! I want you back home now!" The phone goes dead and I look at the girls worriedly. I put my phone back in my pocket and stand up.

"I have to go back," I say grabbing my bags.

"We'll all go," Violet says standing up.

"What about the food?" Amelia asks.

"Let's just eat it on the way back," Lucy answers. We all grab our things and go back to where we parked the car. When we get to the car, we all put our things in the boot of the car and head home. The journey home is very different to the one there as we all just remain quite. I'm dropped off right outside my house and I see Dante waiting on the front steps. I quickly get out and grab my bags. Dante continues to glare at me as I wave goodbye and walk inside the house. I hear the door slam behind me and without looking, I head upstairs to put my stuff away. When I'm inside our bedroom I go straight to the closet and drop all the bags down inside. I hear the bedroom door slam and I jump in surprise. Turning around I see Dante storming towards me and I back away, soon bumping into the bedroom wall.

"You are going to be going into heat anytime soon and decide to go on a shopping trip!" He exclaims, his anger clearly evident in his eyes. I go to reply but suddenly I feel a sharp pain spread through my abdomen. The pain continues, starting to feel like fire is burning through my veins. I see Dante's expression switch to one of concern but that soon fades. His eyes turn pitch black and he throws himself away from me. As the pain starts to spread I realise what's happening to me. I'm going into heat. I slowly sink down onto the floor, clutching my stomach. Dante walks back towards me and I feel him place his hand on my cheek. The pain dulls slightly and before Dante can do anything I launch myself into his arms, clinging onto him tightly. He freezes for a second and then pulls me closer. I lean back from him a bit and slam my lips onto his. Dante responds almost immediately and stands up with me in his arms. He deepens the kiss and I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel myself being placed down on the bed and Dante leans over me. He pulls away slightly and looks me in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. I see how much he is trying to restrain himself and I don't even think twice about wether I want this or not. Of course I do. I don't reply to his question but pull him back for another kiss. The remain I disturbed for the rest of the night. I think you can guess what happened.


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