Chapter 36

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I am woken up the next morning to the feeling of someone watching me. As the drowsiness fades from my mind, I slowly open one eye to see Dante starring down at me.

"Watching me while I sleep is really creepy," I say opening my other eye.

"According to Twilight it's perfectly normal, and can even be considered romantic." He replies smirking.

"If your'e trying to be romantic, this isn't the way to do it."
I sit up and stretch. "How come you haven't gone to work already?"

"Well... I thought that it would be nice to spend the day with you and Myra. I'm a little ahead on my work so I think I can afford to take one day off."

"Okay, but what are we gonna do?" Dante shrugs.

"Whatever really, we can make it up as we go." I nod my head in agreement and get out of bed. Deciding to get dressed after breakfast, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I can hear Dante following behind me.

"What should we have for breakfast?" I question. Looking over at Dante, I see him shrug his shoulders. "You are just full of helpful suggestions today aren't you."
I open up the fridge and take a look at what's inside. I sigh when I find nothing that i could make a decent breakfast out of.

"We really need some more food, there's literally nothing in here." I say closing the fridge door.

"I'll get a pack member to go shopping or us. Meanwhile, why don't we go out for breakfast?" Dante suggests.

"Okay, I'll go wake up Myra and tell her to get ready."
We both head upstairs, Dane going to our room whilst I go to Myras's room to wake her up. Despite the few previous mornings, Myra is still in a deep slumber when I get to her room. I walk over to her bed and sit on the edge of it, being careful no to accidentally squash her.

"Myra," I whisper gently, shaking her slightly. I hear her mumble a few incoherent words before slowly opening her eyes. She smiles up at me through her sleepiness.

"Morning, Riley." She mutters, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning," I respond, grinning at how adorable she looks right now. "We're going to go out for breakfast, so you need to get up and ready, okay?" She nods her head and sits up in bed. I stand up and leave the room so that she can get changed. Hurrying down the hallway, I reach my room and commence my morning routine. Once I'm done, I go back downstairs where both Myra and Dante at waiting.

"Ready to go?" Dante queries.

"Yep!" Myra and I respond simultaneously. Both of us let out a small giggle at what we just did and head outside to the car.
The drive into town is filled laughter as me and Myra sing along to the songs on the radio, completely out of tune. When we arrive in town, we quickly decide to have breakfast in a small cafe. We take our time enjoying breakfast whilst deciding what to do next. We settle on going to the park, as Myra wants to play. The park is just a brief walk from the cafe so we leave the car parked where it is. As soon as we reach the park, Myra runs off to play on all the equipment. Dante and I just walk hand in hand around the park, making sure to keep an eye on Myra as she plays. We continue to stroll around the park in a comfortable silence for a little while. As we continue to walk, I soon feel Dantes gaze on me. Looking out of the core of my eye, I see him staring down at me. Smiling slightly, I decide to call him out on it.

"What is it with you and staring at me today?" I ask looking directly at him.

"It has been pointed out to me by a few pack members that I have apparently changed quite a bit over the last few months." He replies. "Ever since I met you."

"What do you mean?"

"I was told that apparently I'm a lot calmer now and a lot less angry."

"Not nice, just less angry." I say jokingly. He chuckles.

"Seriously though, I have changed quite a bit since you came into my life. You know what, I'd say that I've even become a better Alpha." I smile and lean up to give him a kiss.

"Actually, I'd say that you've changed me quite a bit as well. Since we've started to get to know each other, I've gained a lot of confidence. Being around you has certainly made it easier to step up to the role of Luna." Dantes face lights up with a grin and we go back to walking around in a comfortable silence.
We stay at the park until about lunchtime and walk back into town to find somewhere to get lunch. We end up choosing to just buy some snacks and go sit back in the park to eat. Whilst we eat our food, we make a decision on where to go next and, due to Myras continuous begging, we decide on going to the cinema to watch a movie. Myra picks The Incredibles 2 and so that's what we spend the next few hours doing.
After the movie is finished, we head home to find something else to do and settle on baking a cake. Dante chooses to sit this one out and just watch tv in the front room whilst Myra and I bake a cake and, as a way to pass more time, bake some chocolate chip cookies as well.
By the time we're finished baking, and clearing up the kitchen, it's dinner time. We enjoy a quite meal and finish our day of adventure by watching both mine and Myras favourite movie, The Lion King.


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