Please dont go

15 1 0

Lately you've been gone
I don't know where you went
And I don't think I want to know
You've hurt me not physically tho
I'm mentally unstable
Got a hand full of things I could say
But do I wanna say them
But do I wanna say them whao
You are the only ray of sun shine I could see
But now your gone
And I don't know where your at
You've ran away from your problems
You try to hide them
And I can tell your hurt so dearly much
People have hurt you whey to much
And you are strong
I know you are
You've hung around so long I have faith for you
I Believe you'll get better some day
And I know you'll start trusting people some day
I believe in you
You are so, so strong
Please don't go

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