Chapter Three

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"You know, this whole screaming boy in the woods thing is starting to cross a line,"

Cibils' head pop out from behind her bottom row locker where she was shuffling around papers. Probably trying to find homework that was due today. "What are you talking about?"

"What you did last night. It wasn't funny,"

Cibils' nose wrinkled at the same time her eyebrows scrunched in, "Sending you an instant message?"

"No, standing outside my window in the woods,"

Cibil's head tilted and she slowly shut her look door to rise from her position on the floor. Her mouth opened and closed several before she finally said, "That wasn't me,"

This time it was me whose face was painted with confusion. "Then you told somebody,"

She shook her head. A part of me was screaming that she was lying, she had to be, deep down I knew it wasn't Cibil, I was just refusing to accept it.

"Whatever Cibil. Just don't do it again because it isn't funny," I said, turning my back on her and started for my next class.


If it wasn't Cibil, then who was outside my window last night? I mean, there really can't be a three-hundred-year-old guy out in the woods screaming at random girls' windows. It just wasn't possible. I was seriously starting to lose my mind.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps rushing up alongside me. I glanced over to see Cibil walking by my side.

"You're parents still not talking to anybody?" Cibil asked, ignoring how annoyed and scared I still was.

I sighed, "No, they haven't said a word since dinner,"

Cibil made a clicking noise with her mouth, "Damn, I'm sorry, Cami,"

I shrugged my shoulders, "It would have happened eventually. Now with the deadlines for college application coming up I was kind of expecting for world war three to start soon. You know, if it doesn't involve something in the medical field my father doesn't even want it running through my mind,"

"Well if you ask me we have enough doctors to last us until the world ends. We could use a few more writers in the world,"

I forced a smile at my childhood friend then stopped in front of the door that lead into the science room.

"I'll see you at lunch?"

Cibil nodded then hugged me. I was taken aback by her action. Cibil wasn't much of a hugger unless something was seriously up. The last time she hugged me was when news broke about Joel.

"What was that for?" I asked, suspicion laced in my voice.

"Can a girl not hug her best friend?"

I stared at her for a minute then realization finally dawning on me.

"You don't have to feel guilty. I was just joking about last night. I'm not even scared anymore. It's just a story that parents tell their kids so they don't wander off into the woods. It's just a legend."

"I'm not feeling guilty!"

My eyebrows shot up,

"Ok, maybe a little. I just didn't think it would scare you that bad,"

I scoffed, "Cibil little paper bats scare me,"


I rolled my eyes at her and said my goodbyes. I watched her walk down the hall a little before going inside.

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