night five

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sleeping during the day
was the only thing that
worked for her. at night,
her mind would think of
far off lands that she knew
she would be happy in,
but during the day,
the only happy she could find
was when she counted down
the hours until night.

light slowly crawled from her room.
her cluttered desk kept her happy,
or as happy as she believed.
she was halfway done;
halfway done with a lot of things.
her relationship, for starters,
was tempe biggest finale.

he came in one day,
flowers in hand.
she was still in bed.
she hardly left her bed.
he confronted her about this,
rubbing his temples,
crumpling the flowers,
frowning at the litter in her room.

we're done.
she had waited so long
to hear those two words.
we're done.
she smiled even after he left.
his fleeting footsteps brought
memories flooding back.
she was alone.

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