2: Finding Feelings

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Jake's POV:

My first day at a new school, and lunchtime was the worst. I knew nobody, and sat alone at the edge of a table. Everyone must have been staring, I couldn't stand to look up from my sandwich. Without Logan at school, I feel like junior year will be horrible. Everyone already has their friends and cliques, how am I supposed to fit in one? Usually I'd have Logan to hang out with, but now that he's at OSU I guess I'll be all alone the whole year. At least then maybe I can study more and get good grades.

Oh no, I think someone's walking up to me. Don't stop, don't stop, just walk past me. She stopped; right in front of me.  I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Gosh, she's probably popular, why would she wanna talk to me? To brag in my face how she has friends and I don't? Why does high school have to be like this?

"Hey," she said and sat down across from me.
"Hi," I said with the most awkward feeling.
"So I'm Erika, and my friends over there are Tessa, Kade, Chance, Anthony, and Lo. What's your name?" Erika asked.
"I'm Jake Paul," I said with probably the stupidest look in my eyes. I was just staring at her, she was so pretty.
"Cool. Well, hey if you have any questions or stuff about school you can ask me. I think we have second period together,"
"Thanks, I just feel really lost, the school is huge and I know nobody's name whatsoever."
"Yeah that's how I felt when I was a freshman, but you'll be used to it in about a month."
"That's good," I said, "Ok well I'm gonna throw my trash away, see ya I guess."

Oh my gosh seriously why did I say that! Ugh I must seem like the biggest idiot to her. It was so awkward, but I didn't know what to say, I was just taken off guard by how nice she was and not mean, and how gorgeous she is. Great. My first chance at getting a friend and I blew it. I bet she'll never talk to me again.

Erika's POV:
Jake was really quiet when I was talking to him, and it was a really uncomfortable vibe. But his cuteness is growing on me. Just a little bit. I think if I get to know him more he'll open up, but maybe he will always be this awkward and quiet. He kept staring at me too, like not even a respectful "eye contact" stare, like a deep stare, as if he was lost in my eyes or something. Nevertheless, Jake is gonna be tricky to figure out.

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