16: Good Times

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October 25

Jake's POV:

Me and Erika have been so happy together this past week. I'm so thankful that she forgave me, and I'm glad we can move on from everything and start as a real couple. Both of our families know, but I haven't told Logan yet. I think he's coming home this weekend, but before I tell him I have to prank him. I'm going to ask Erika if she can go over to my house when Logan's there, and I'll be "gone" but I'll really be in my room. Everyone will just think that I left.
It would be even better if Erika could shed some fake tears for this prank.

Basically when Erika gets to my house, she will hopefully be fake crying, then go to Logan to just say  what I did that made her cry, and bad-mouth me and then get mad at Logan because he's related to me. Then Logan will probably freak out and not even know how to comfort her, and we'll just see his reaction. I'm gonna hide my phone recording all of it in the corner so later I can see what he did.

I called Erika and told her the plan, and she was really excited for it. But there is still a whole week of school before Logan comes home on Saturday.

Me and Erika get together almost every day, either to go on a walk, work on homework at each other's houses or go to the park or store. On weekends we would go see a movie or have dinner or something. But Sundays we tried not to hang out so the day was open for family stuff.

Finally, Saturday came around the corner and Logan texted to say he'd be home in 20 minutes. Erika had just got to my house and we were talking about what was going to go down today. Then, we looked out the window and saw Logan pull up in his purple Challenger. I ran up to my room after setting my phone up in the corner of the living room recording. Erika also left, out the back door, and once Logan had been inside for a few minutes she came around the front and knocked on the door.

Erika's POV:

I knocked on the door, and was actually able to fake cry. I remember in elementary school when I would fake cry so that my teachers would let me do something, I was surprised that I hadn't lost the ability. After about 30 seonds Logan opened the door. He saw the tears in my eyes and began to look worried.

"Erika? What- what're you doing here? What's wrong?"
"Can I come in?"
"Yeah, of course, of course, but I don't think Jake is here."
"Good," I sniffled and wiped some tears, "I wanna talk to you about him," I went to their living room a few feet away and sat down in a spot where the camera could see.
"Do you need anything?"
"No," I curled up in the chair hugging my knees. I could sense how uncomfortable Logan was feeling. He must have no idea what to do.
"Can I ask what happened?"
"Me and Jake were hanging out and then he said that he only became my friend because he felt sorry for me. How does he feel sorry for me? He's the one with no friends. And then he-he goes on to say that all of my other friends are stupid and that... I don't even know, and then he called me ugly and stupid and then he left me in the middle of the store!" Tears came flooding back to me again, fake tears.
"What?  Wait- why would Jake say that?"
"You tell me! You're his brother. Do you go around insulting people with no care at all about the consequences?" I started to get "mad" which caused more "tears."
"No! Wait- Jake actually said all this to you?" He asked, confused.
"Yes!" I said, putting my hand over my mouth then wiping my eyes.
"And then he left? And you haven't talked since then? When was this?"
"It was like 4 days ago."
"No, he had to have been joking! I know for sure that Jake wouldn't do that to you Erika."
"Well he did." I was starting to feel bad for Logan now.
"Jake's crazy about you!"
"He's basically in love with you! The night of my banquet he told me." Logan stood up now and started to slowly pace.
"He said that? Well it can't be true anymore!"
"It is! Erika, you have to believe me. Jake... He must have just been trying to play hard to get or something... I don't know."
"Yeah, sure, like playing hard to get makes you walk out of the store from the middle of nowhere. I just, I can't deal with all this right now," I started crying a little more.
"Erika, Jake's in love with you! I don't care how much you think he's not, he is!"
"Yeah sure whatever."
Then Jake came downstairs and I ran up to him and we hugged and Jake pulled me into a passionate kiss.
"What?" Logan said.
"YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" Jake yelled.
"Oh my goshhh," Logan let out a huge sigh of relief.
"I was so confused and worried. I was like, how stupid does Jake have to be to do all that?"
We all laughed.
"So you guys are- a thing?"
"Yup." I said.
"Ohh you need a ship name, like all the celebrities do!"
"Erake?" Jake proposed.
"Nah, what about.... Jerika?" I said.
"Jerika!" Logan yelled, "JERIKA!!"

{ 3,000 reads! I cannot thank you guys enough. Thank you × infinity. I have another event that I want to add, but I don't know if I should keep that in this story or make a separate one continuing on with this. Please comment what you think I should do. Should I add the next event to this story, or add it in a new story continuing with the exact same everything? (If that makes sense)}

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