chapter 3

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Hi loves! I’ve been camping for a week and couldn’t upload, I sorry!!! But I’m posting 2 chapters :D


Hailey’s POV


When I got home I put Vega in her crate and signed *bad girl!* she ducked her head down knowing she had down wrong. From the amazing smell I could tell dinner was done. I wondered into the kitchen and sat down in my regular seat. My dad was seated at the table and my mom was serving dinner.

*where’s Vega?* my dad signed

*in her crate* I signed back


*because she decided to slip out of her leash and chase a cat all over the neighbor hood*

*well it’s a good thing you found her* my dad signed as my mom sat down at the table.

*yeah if it wasn’t for this one guy I don’t think I would have*

“a boy?” my dad asked me with a serious expression. I nodded.

*nothing happened dad! He just found the cat she was chasing!* I signed. He looked relieved.


The next morning I awoke, took a shower and debated what to wear. I wound up choosing my favorite red skinny jeans with suspenders, yeah I know suspenders are out of style but oh well I think they’re cool. I choose a black camisole to go along. I slipped on my converse and wrote a note on a lime green sticky note

Mom and dad

Took Vega with me, going to café. Morning walk J

Love Hail

I stuck the note to the fridge hooked my dog to her leash and walked out to the nearly empty city. Why was it empty? Oh yeah maybe cause I’m the weirdo who wakes up and goes for walks at 7 am. I arrived at the little café and tied Vega’s leash to the pole outside that was in my view so I could watch her at all times. I walked up to the counter. “hi hailey!” a tall girl with short brown hair smiled at me. I waved back at her. “we’re running a bit behind sorry, the muffins are being baked right now” she grimaced. “hope you don’t mind waiting a few extra minutes”

“no, not at all” I smiled back. I’m a regular here so I know all the employee’s they all know me and what I want. Its pretty cool… I guess… yeah haha that sounds a bit nerdy.

I sat down on a bar stool at the counter and tapped on the counter with my fingers. I wonder what sound I was making…

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