In The Beginning.

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'Today is the day!' I thought to myself as I scrambled out of bed. It was Saturday, October 8th, otherwise known as my birthday! I walked down the stairs and sat at the kitchen table, I grabbed a piece of toast, and slapped some butter on it. "Looks good darling, Happy Birthday!" My mom said as she sat down beside me kissing my cheek. "Thanks mom." She handed me a present. It was fairly small wrapped tightly in sparkly blue paper. "Awwe mom, you really didn't have to!" I blushed and took the present. "Do I open it now?" She nodded, as I began to unwrap it carefully. I saw the edge of a thin piece of paper and a squishy material directly behind it. "YOU DIDN'T!" I screamed. Finally I unwrapped it all the way, revieling a Ticket Master ticket that says, 'One Direction, Hershey PA.' on the front. The squishy material behind it was the 'Vas Happenin' Hoodie that I always wanted. I jumped up and hugged my mom as I started to dance. "NO WAY! NO FLACKING WAY! AHHHHH!"  "Calm down love, theres more, but you have to wait until later." My mom go up and winked at me walking in the living room. Running up the stairs with my presents in hand, I grabbed my iPhone and dialed the number of my best friend, Cierra.

"Cierra, Oh my God ! My mom got me One Direction tickets!" 

"WHAT?! YAY! Happy Birthday love! Listen I can't talk... I'll be over later. Bye" 

'That was wierd.' I thought to myself throwing the phone on my bed, jumping up and down acting all crazy. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO SEE THEM IN PERSON. Or Breathe the air they are! GAAAAA !" 


"Can I please please please go meet them! I'll love you forever and ever and ever!"

"Sweetheart, no. Stop begging I don't have the money to buy you One Direction or I would and you know that." My dad said sturnly as I lowered my head in shame of asking.

"Fine, I'll just go dig a hole, and live in that forever because One Direction will never notice me anyways." I was angry, but really I didn't have a reason to be. Just being stubborn thats all.


I got dressed in my dark purple dress, with my silver nike gladiators. I curled my hair and applied eyeliner underneath my eyes. Spraying my Justin Bieber perfume on, I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." The door squeaked open and I saw my bestfriend in the doorway. "CIERRA!" I ran and hugged her. It's only been a couple of days but I missed her so much. "Hai GURL Hai" she said hugging me back. "I missed you so much! Do you know whats going on tonight?" I was blunt but honestly nervous. "Yes, I do know whats going on tonight... but I have to use the restroom so meet me downstairs after you're done getting ready. Like in 10. NO EARLIER." She rushed out of the room. I finished getting ready for what seemed to be a big deal to Cierra and my mom. I was nervous yet super excited. I walked down the stairs exactly 10 minutes later.


It was pitch black... "...Hello...?" I walked into the living room and nobody was there. I looked in the kitchen, down the hall, in all the closets and even the bathroom. 'What the hell?" "SURPRISE!" 

I must have jumped at least twenty feet in the air. "I was NOT expecting that!" giggling, I saw Cierra running towards me like she was going to tackle me. "AHH!" I turned around to run away, but instead i ran straight into a stunning man. I looked up. "HOLY MOTHER OF FLACK." 

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